How I photograph snow crystals.
By Dirk Dom
A few years ago I made an attempt to photograph snow crystals.
I used a Olympus PEN EP-3 with a Canon 20mm f/3.5 bellows lens for extreme macro and a series of extension tubes.
This is the lens:
When using serious magnification, stopping down with this lens gives you so much diffraction the image actually gets less sharp, that’s why I shot at f/3.5.
If you don’t have such a lens, you can very well use and inverted 50mm enlarger lens (costs $10 on the Ebay) or an inverted 50mm manual focus lens as a diopter in front of your camera lens.
I used black plexiglass, of which I had about ten 4 by 4 inch pieces, to let it snow on, a few flakes at the time. So many plates because the plexiglass has to be absolutely clean and dry, and then you can get on with photographing. Then I put them on a table, and illuminated them from the side with a LED flashlight. Then I took the shots.
It’s very important you hold your breath while shooting, or you’ll fog up your lens and viewfinder and the snow crystal will melt.
Here’s some results:
If you don’t have plexiglass, a black woolen sweater also gives nice results with the snowflakes clinging to the woolen threads.
I hope it gives you something fun to do this winter,
Dirk, you’re definitively a real seeker. I love that !
Dirk, you’re definitively a real seeker… I love that !
Fantastic! I love these. I hope you do more in the future.
Your pictures are beautiful Dirk, thanks for sharing.
Do you know the book “The Secret Life of Water” by Dr. Emoto? Very
Cheers from British Columbia
Always fun with dirk
Very inventive! Thanks for sharing.
funny, i am listening an incredible album right now with the same kind of image on the cover, you should check it out. The band is called MI AND L’AU, i believe they are from Finland
great article !
Hi, Branche!
I just ordered the Cd.
hope you enjoy it as much as i do ! look what i found this morning :
it’s the snowflake year 🙂
merry christmas