The Voigtlander 40 f/1.2 M Mount on the SL
by David Mosca
Hi Steve,
Maybe some of your readers are interested to see some examples of pictures taken with the new Voigtlander 40mm f1.2 VM on the Leica SL.
These are just quick shots with minor exposure adjustment.
Yes, 40mm is an interesting focal length to me, I’ve already had 40mm Ultron f2 on Canon. I find now the VM f1.2 on the SL a balanced combo, not to small to operate, not to big as package. Focus and aperture are a dream to operate.
What convinced me to buy one were your pictures with e-mount version. I find a personal blur in the bokeh. I like lenses with personality. Don’t expect sharpness of a Leica Aspherical, nor Voigtlander 50mm f1.5 or 35mm f1.7, but satisfying to me. What I found a bit difficult is focusing.
The Focus area seems really thin as paper, more than Summilux 50mm (can’t be, but seems to me). Maybe the lack of microcontrast is making things more complicated… The transition from in-focus to out-of-fous is quick, that is a good thing to me.
Overall another interesting, unbreakable and “cheap” option for Leica from Voigtlander. I hope this quick impressions can help someone in case of purchase.
Ciao, Devid Mosca (Bolzano, Italy)
I have done some comparisons with E-mount version vs the M-mount on the SonyA7rmkii.
Here’s is another comparison along with the VM 35mm 1.7.
Here are shots with the m-mount on the A7rmkii used in the countryside https://www.flickr.com/photos/143385549@N02/albums/72157663464345838/with/27155948489/
And finaly you can find pictures taken with the m-mount on the M240.
Best regards,
Thank you for sharing!
With regard to the VM 40 f1.2, I would be interested, because I think that the focal length is the sweet spot for general photography that might include portraits, street and architecture. But I already own the Zeiss ZM 35 f/1.4, which is about as good as it gets in terms of IQ, so it doesn’t make sense to have another lens so close in FL that would serve to reduce my usages of the Zeiss. However, if I had just about any other 35, I would almost certainly go for the Voigt.
I was considering this lens for my Monochrom but it really seems very low contrast wide-open. Resolution a bit weak as well, unless this is a bad copy.
I have 40 1.2 FE , it good as it should be.
Slightly soft wide open but creamy look.
Hi Devid,
Thanks for the post. It would be nice to see how the lens renders people though.
Don’t know if it’s me but the optical characteristics look softer on the M version than the E version. Colors also look flatter too. ?
THat’s what I noticed with someone else M version photos. To me, the E Mount seems to render slightly different. Not sure if that is truly the case but it appears to be.
Nice shots. I would be really interest of this lens but It seems to be soft wide open. When Steve done is review with the Sony A7, it seems to be sharper. Do you think it’s better to by a 50mm Summilux or this one? I use my Voigtlander 50mm 1.5 for now but the Lux is my dream. Have a good night.
My E Mount is sharp as can be wide open, no softness or glow at all. BTW, that f/1.5 Nokton is 95% of the Lux ; ) Enjoy.
…of the pre-ASPH Summilux, perhaps.
I would assume that Steve is referring to the latest version of the 50 Summilux, and he is not alone in stating that the 50 Nokton is a very close competitor. I love Leica M glass on my SL, but I must agree that the Nokton is a fantastic lens.
Tbh..it doesn’t have any pop or character….