Sony A7RIII Released TODAY. All Sold Out.
Wow, this may be a first! The Sony A7RIII was released TODAY and started shipping today from AMAZON and it is SOLD OUT. Usually Sony ships out plenty of stock and usually they do not sell out on day one or any day as they ship loads of cameras. This may be the 1st Sony release that I have ever seen sell out the 1st day of release, that I remember. Amazon is out, B&H is out and this may end up being (as I predicted, hehehe), Sonys biggest seller ever. I mean it should be. It’s a fantastic “super camera” that really can not be beat for the money in my honest opinion.
Versatile, fast, high res, smaller than a DSLR, brilliant EVF, AF tracking and video capabilities. Use Sony lenses, Canon lenses, Nikon lenses or even Leica M lenses with AF if. you desire. The Sony system, to me, is the most powerful and versatile camera system out today for full frame 35mm. It has matured quickly but nicely and I have seen MANY switching to Sony for this body. This will sell better than the A9 and the A7RII that came before it. Mark my words!
Sony has made a ton of this camera. They are shipping them to dealers at a fast pace so I am sure there will be more in stock very soon. If you have been wanting this camera see all of my articles SO FAR HERE, HERE HERE and HERE.
If you want one, I would suggest pre ordering at Amazon HERE or B&H Photo HERE. My guess is these dealers are getting more A7RII’s in almost daily. I have one here with the 24-70 G Master and the incredible 50 1.4 Sony/Zeiss. INCREDIBLE lens! I am shooting with it now and will have a final post, a review of this camera VERY soon. I love my A9 but this A7RIII is truly the one I would recommend for 98% of you with a budget up to $5k or even more.
Sony says they have “High Demand” and will be shipping these as fast as they can. Let’s hope so!
Anyone here have their A7RIII yet? If so, what do you think of it so far?
This is, IMO, the “HOT” camera of 2017 and 2018 and has stolen the thunder from Nikon, Leica and others for the Holiday Season.
As a wedding photographer I switched from Fuji X system to Sony Alpha 7 II some months ago. I love this camera and will upgrade soon to the Alpha 7 III. Sony Alpha 7 Series are the best cameras money can buy.
Versatile camera, high quality images. What more could you want.
I love mirrorless!
I have over 150 lenses that I use on my A7RII. Some lenses go back into the 1930’s and still produce great images on my A7RII. I know that’s not what most people buy a camera for but I love not only preserving as many lenses as possible but still seeing great pics come from them. The A7 platform allows for just about any 35mm and many larger format lenses to be adapted and used quite successfully on an A7. Put a TechArt adapter on and many lenses you can adapt to Leica M will give you autofocus on an A7 no matter what the age of the lens. It’s such a beautiful thing!
I’m retired now so I’ll have to save long and hard to have enough beans to upgrade from my A7RII to the new III. But I will because its such a great platform. Can’t wait to check out 15 bit monochrome tonal scale and multi shot pixel shift. Not to mention improved 5 axis sensor stabilization which allows all of those 150+ vintage lenses I mentioned to be stabilized, no matter what their age!
Sony might not be sure the requirement for this R III version to provide enough quantities at the launch. People gradually realise the circumstance of the outdate DSLR system and look.
Sorry for the clumsy of the old fashioned Nikon and Pentax. Canon has good commenced work to modern EOS M mirrorless marketing and I entirely agreed.
Best Buy drop the ball on there pre orders no one received theirs I so disappointed
Putting aside price and size, what in your opinion are the very best AF lenses for this camera under 70mm in terms of optical quality? Sony/Zeiss 35mm and 50mm f/1.4, and 16-35mm and 24-70mm GM lenses? Batis AF primes? Thanks.
That’s a pricey camera to be sold out in a day. They must have started out with a low stock.
Sony never starts with low stock, which is my point. This camera is doing very well for them right out of the gate.
Stole the thunder from Nikon? How is that? D850 is out for weeks and also sold out for weeks..
Sure the A7Riii is a good camera. But when u put on a 85 GMaster its not a small camera anymore. And then the ergonomics are way better on the D850
It stole Nikons thunder for the last two weeks, and yes it has. Most discussions online in the camera world are taking about THIS camera more than the Nikon. DSLR sales are slumping as well, and have been for years. Sony has been gaining in sales each year. This camera will sell big. The body is smaller than an 850, QUITE A BIT smaller. It’s thin, it’s sleek and it has an EVF which some prefer over an OVF. Use small lenses on it (Leica, vintage, Zeiss loxia) and yuo have something MUCH smaller than a Nikon D850. You can not do that with a D850. You can’t make it smaller, you can’t shoot other lenses on it, video is a much nicer experience shooting on a Sony, etc. I can go on but there is a reason this camera is getting serious attention and raves. It’s more than being a high res full frame camera. It’s the fact that there is no digital camera that is more versatile in 35mm full frame. Add the smaller size and it’s a superb camera that for me, beats any DSLR. But for DSLR fans, the D850 is IT. best DSLR out there for the money IMO. One just has to like DSLR’s. I know three Nikon guys who switched to Sony for the A7RIII and I only know a handful of Nikon guys. Quite a few Canon shooters I know have also switched, some with the RII, some with the A9 and a few with this release. Even some Leica shooters have switched or added a Sony to their arsenal due to the fact that Leica M lenses work so well on the newest Sony cameras.
Use whatever camera best suits your needs. They’re all quite good today. Thinking back to the early days of digital cameras we should consider ourselves all spoiled with today’s offerings. No one NEEDS to upgrade from the A7RII but many will and that’s just fine. I actually went from a mirrorless set up to the D850 and I’m loving it!
Love it … you just have to wonder how Sony is going to top the R III for the money 😉
Getting mine today from Amazon! I was actually surprised that they sent it out so that I get it on release day…