Beers & Cameras! Meet me for a Beer and to shoot! November 4th 2017, Phoenix AZ
By Steve Huff
Hey hey! November 4th is the date, and it is going to be awesome! I am starting the Phoenix chapter of the awesomely fun meet up group “Beers & Cameras” on November 4th 2017 and we are gonna have a great time. What is Beers & Cameras? Well, it is a meet up that started in San Diego and has no branched out to other areas like the UL and Canada and other areas. It’s a chance for us photo geeks to hang out, have fun, talk shop and even do a photo walk if we so desire! Oh, and if you enjoy great beer, even better! See my video below with the details and I hope to see some of you local to Phoenix there!
WHERE: Angels Trumpet Ale House – 810 North 2nd Street | Phoenix, AZ 85004
WHAT TO BRING: YOU and your CAMERA and money for BEER!
Thanks for arranging this. Appreciated meeting you and your lady and will look forward to the next get together.
Thanks Denny was great to meet you as well, was a good time for sure! Will do another in about a month.
Gonna be fun guys, can’t wait! See some of you there.
If you’re coming to Sony’s launch event on October 25 on NYC, please make another Beers & cameras meetibg there after the anticipated product launch! Would live it if you could show off the new a9r or whatever is it.
I only do Phoenix Beers and Cameras. It’s not my thing, I am just the guy who will head up the Phx chapter. So you would have to ask the B&C guys to do that one ; ) Ill be in NYC all week next week though, well most of the week.
Great idea! Will try to come next time and bring my adapted lenses.
Would like to post something in your daily inspirations made with Leica lenses and Sony a7R.
Best Regards from Germany
… following you for quite some time
Hope to meet you Saturday!
Sounds Great , Thanks Steve, for bringing Like Minded People Together…. Can hardly wait to meet You All…… 🙂 🙂 🙂 ,,,,,,, John
Awesome! Going to be a fun evening.
What time?
All info is in the video, but 5PM. Thank you!
This would be terrific fun. I plan to join you one day. 🙂
We also have chapters in San Diego, Los Angeles, Sacramento, UK and Calgary! Seattle and NYC coming 2018. Plus a London chapter. 🙂
I’ll be there!,,
I look forward to seeing you there!
Nice! Look forward to meeting you as well!
Awesome! When are you going to bring that tour to NYC?
B&C is coming, likely 2 chpaters since NYC is so big.