Daily Inspiration #1042
by Alexey Inavov
Hello Steve. My name is Aleksei, I`m from Russia. Have been reading your blog for last few years – you inspired me to switch from Canon full frame system to Olympus OM-D EM-1 . It is real cool camera, but lacking high ISO and AF perfomance. But I want to believe that in few years EM-1 mk3 will be as useful for action sports shooting as 5d mk3.
Now I`ve got first generation Sony A7 body for portrait shooting with old russian manual lenses like Helios and Jupiter.
First shot is one of my oldest, taken with my first camera Canon 450d and cheap 50 f1.8 lens, but I still love it.
Second was taken with 5d mk3 and 70-200 f4 L during my Ural trip with mountain biker friend. I was riding too, but one day we took camera and when sun was “right”, I`ve got this shot.
Third was taken with Olympus OM-D EM-1 and 12-40 f2.8 in Moscow. I just crossed this bridge, where noticed young guys sitting there, walked back and started shooting when one of them started moving. Really love this one.
Keep doing your job,
*If you liked my shots, you can find more here ivlexey.tumblr.com =) Best regards, Aleksei Ivanov
Great pictures Aleksei. And all three images being taken with different camera setups shows more about the photographer than the gear. Nice. I love the colours in the Moscow shot.
I too got an EM1 (mark I) and 12-40 pro lens a couple of years back. I love the camera. I agree about the low light/high ISO and focus tracking. But still a lovely camera and it does inspire me to use it. In fact, after getting it, my DSLR (a very good one) just collected dust in my dry cabinet until I sold it, whereas the EM1 stayed in my camera bag. I now also have the A7 (mark ii this time) for some landscape and portrait stuff…
Outstanding photos. And good on youfor using different cameras – the right tool for the job.
Great pictures Alexey. Keep up the good work.
EM1 MKll Lacking High ISO performance? Relative to larger sensors yes – but not bad at all with good lenses in my experience.
Lacking in AF performance? No. If so, you have a damaged unit or bad lenses. It has AWESOME AF performance compared to almost any camera.
Your pics are very nice.
He doesn’t say whether he has the Mk1 or Mk2 version, and if I were guessing I would think it is the former.
Agree with the others that these (and the ones at your tumblr) are very nice pictures, Alexey!
Thanks, I`m still on Mk1, it is great camera but after 5d Mk3 it`s lacking AF and high ISO =) Mk2 seems better, but more expencive, I`ll better wait for Mk3 now.
Really do like the pics
Thx for sharing