More Leica M10 in Georgia
by Dan Bar
Hello again!
When I first sent my Georgian photos to Steve I received a message: “you have exceeded the limit” so I had to remove quite a few but then it was really hard as I like many more. After I thought it over I decided to send some more not knowing what will Steve think about it. 🙂
Some of the comments dealt with my UNDER EXPOSED photos, some liked it and some did not.
Click images to see them larger, crisper and better!
I do understand them all. One comment said I loose useful information bu doing so, and as I explained I decide what is important for me and what is not. Underexposing an object who happens to be in the light in a dark area paints the surrounding in black and leaves the object popping out. When this is my aim I dont really care about anything else except the object.
Someone said I found my niche shooting the way I do, and i guess he is right, but I mainly do it because I like it. As I said I only took my 50 APO and my M10 ( great combo). I also have the 28 Cron but carry them both makes my bag too heavy ( I am not young anymore and I feel the weight). I hope Steve will post these as well LOL
The under-exposure comments are silly. There is no right or wrong exposure when it’s done consistently and with intent, as is the case with Dan’s images.
Nice pictures. I like the way they look. I like darkness in them, makes me thing of omitting, concealing, et c. Which is a large part of photography; leaving out.
I like rangefinders like the Leica cameras but also the Fujifilm X-Pro – where you see that which is included but also that which is excluded in the viewfinder.
You have created great access to your subjects and that is part of the magic of your images.
These images are really best if viewed after clicking on each individual image. Your desire to make the subject “pop” with your lighting is much more evident when the image is viewed large (without browser borders). If people haven’t taken the time to do that, I hope they take a second look. It’s too bad that they can’t be displayed without having to wait for the image/site to reload after each one. Perhaps there is a browser setting I’m not familiar with.
I appreciated seeing how you handle and create space with the 50mm lens. It’s good to view images at this focal length and without distractions of WA signatures.
Thanks for this second pass of your work. I liked them both.
Very beautiful my friend
Love the colors
Keep on posting (:
As we all learn in life , sooner or later, one person’s beauty is one person’s ugly. I’m super ugly and my wife is truly beautiful, yet, she found me beautiful! Just ask Picasso.
The composition of the picture with the dog in the courtyard/street is quite clever.
I love your images. It gives a certain kind of atmosphere that I appreciate.
Thank you NiQi
Very nice! Question: I understand some find them too dark – do they appear very differently in print? I think many prefer rather bright images when looking at a small screen.
I know
Many don’t seem to like what I do and that is fine with me
For as long as I like it LOL
You’ve got a signature look, not many manage to develop their own style 🙂
I still think, without repeating what I said about Dan’s previous post, that the portraits, the images where people are the subject, would gain immensely by the subject having some light in their eyes.
Without wanting to be presumptuous (I wasn’t there after all), all it takes is a little patience, sometimes interaction with the subject (‘Could you move forward please, just a little?’) and the subject’s face would acquire more personality. It’s not impossible.
And, sometimes you just don’t take the shot or, in the digital age, you bin it after having looked it over carefully a few times.
The bar must be kept high.
Thanks for posting again Dan; thought provoking images at the very least, and we can’t ask for more.
Thank you for taking the time to watch them
Twice 🙂
Of course!
Personally i love the photos. congrats on this article. The photos were underexposed for a reason and I respect that.You were willing to make your own style of photography.
Thank you Tim 🙂
Makes you want to upgrade from the m9
Not sure
The M10 is a great camera but so was the M9.
I loved my 9 but had issues with my type of shooting. I did use the LUX lenses but it was not always enough
I must say that the 10 has a better WB rendering,
Still the 9 is a great camera
It was very hard for me to change my M9 for M10 but now I don’t regret.
Gorgeous pictures.
Thank you Joseph
I love it when I see someone experimenting with a vision. They don’t all work; they never do. But many do. And I think the best of them are really very good. Go for it.
Thank you Peter
I agree, not all my shots work, but I love them too………LOL
Great pictures Dan! especially in the low light. I have been looking into M10 for a while now, and I don’t know if this is just me but I feel that M10 produce images with “film” look.
Yes it produces film like photos as did the M9
One of the reasons I love this camera
Thank you
What is the relevance of the Leica M10 and 50mm Apo lens heading this article? The pictures stand for themselves and are nice, but could have been taken with any of todays cameras. Would prefer to refrain from this marketing snobbery. P.S. I have many expensive cameras but consider them as equal when looking at the results
Ummm. Maybe you are unaware that for the last 10 years this site has been a CAMERA REVIEW SITE. A site about all kinds of camera gear and what people do with it. Wether you want to like it or not, thousands every day look for articles like this, so they can see what cameras and people do with them. You also do not seem to know much about using a camera and how each camera is different and what may be right for you is not right for all. So stop the trolling nonsense and first, realize where you are reading an article before making a ridiculous comment such as this. Thank you. The only one being snobbish here is you BTW.
Thank you for your comment.
I want to promise you I don’t shoot Leica for snobbery reasons,
My first cameras where Nikon and Canon both DSLR who turned out un fit as I mostly shoot in the street ( people) , they were too big and prominent with their huge lenses and scared the the people.
I did not like their color rendering and the shutter sound. I simply couldn’t look into their digital viewfinder which gave me a headache.
I found myself shooting on AUTO only and did not like it
On the other hand LEICA. it is an expansive camera yes ( you wrote you had many cameras, why is that? SNOB? I don’t care) but it has an optical VF which is wonderful for my eyes-no headache. it is comparatively small with small lenses. Makes me think before every shot( MANUAL) Silent shutter and above all fantastic oldish film like photos + sharpness ( most fantastic lenses)
I hope this will change your mind 🙂
Great shots. You’re right, it’s your style and your choice… and you enjoy your M10 and the fantastic Apo/Summicron 50. As for the so-called loss of details, one should consider this is a JPEG post and not a gallery print. My favorite ones are # 5 and 11. The old man is gorgeous.
Thank you 🙂
Love it!
Thank you
Nice job! I like your “underexposed” images. It’s your style and I don’t find it bad. I also tend to slightly underexpose and like a higher than normal contrast. It’s art and the artist creates the image. It’s not up to others to criticize. I think it’s best to have your own style other than following what others. So may artist choose to copy others.
Thank you Lee
I feel the same and I i lked your comment
I hope you’re not offended, and I know I’m in the minority, but when I saw your earlier post in this series I assumed your monitor was broken. I know that low-key photography is a style, and can be very stylish, but this just looks like you decided you were going to underexpose everything. It doesn’t seem like it’s been thoughtfully applied to subjects where it will lend something. The shots aren’t ‘dark’, in an atmospheric way – they’re just underexposed. I don’t get it, but I accept that this is my own problem.
It’s his style, and if we all had the same style (and many do) it would be very boring. I applaud him for this style he has remained consistent with for years. He has posted here many times, and he is a wonderful photographer and I appreciate his style. There are no “rules” one must follow to create art or photos for themselves. If these were bumped up in the exposure it would lose his signature style. It would not be Dan.
Thank you Steve
These are wonderful, Danny. I like the darker tones of the images.
Thank you Wolfington