The Leica M10 goes with me Everywhere by Dan Bar

The Leica M10 goes with me Everywhere

by Dan Bar

Hello Steve!

I Just read your article “BUY A CAMERA WITH YOUR HEART”. So true, I could not agree more.
As a youngster my father got me the Ashai Pentax – film camera. I loved it and used it for many years. Then slowly the digital era gained momentum and I was looking for a digital \ film like camera. At the time I met the excellent photographer RONY SOFER who just got the first digital Leica D-LUX 1 if i am not mistaken. I was impressed by its quality but still was not ready to buy it. Was’nt ready for the 2 as well.
Than came out the M8 which caught my eyes but more important -MY HEART.  I immediately felt the bond between my film camera and the new M8  so i bought it.  The M8 is a great camera but I wanted a full frame and a camera that needed no INFRARED filter. The M9 is one of the most beautiful cameras ever and I loved it, why did I finally sell it?Because i love new toys like many of us. so I bought the 240 and than the 262 (always sold them to ease the new comer cost). I never really bonded to these cameras not after the M9.
Finally arrived the M10 , with all its benefits . The VF is bigger (I wear glasse and I see better) the M9 finder is much smaller. The colors ( especially JPG simply look like the M9 CCD) are lovely which gives me great satisfaction. The shutter sound is quite which makes the camera almost soundless and discrete . It is easy to manipulate  and it feels great in the hand.
As I wrote in my previous articles , it is a camera that makes me happy, and that is exactly what Steve was talking about. I could never buy any other camera. The only problem is ” IT IS DAMN EXPENSIVE and one must love the rangefinder system, and be ready for manual focus (which i love). Two nights ago I jumped to Jerusalem with my friend Avner. It was the Light festival night. I took my M10 + 28 Cron last version. Here are some photos from that adventure.
Thank you
The M10 can be purchased at the recommended dealers below:
Ken Hansen – Email him at 


  1. Is it just me or does anybody else find Dan’s photos in the past three posts including this one are too dark? Good photos no offense, they just seem to be too dark.

    • I think that is his style. His photos have been like that since he started posting here years ago. Use the search function up top and search his name. You will see all his posts.

  2. Leica really got things right with the M10. The jpeg’s out of camera are lovely and the DNG’s need very little work to make them look great. As Dan said, if you love manual focus/rangefinder, it really is a wonderful camera.

  3. Great pictures! I agree with you, I also think that many people start with a gear acquisition syndrome, until they find a “perfect match”.

  4. Dan, I also believe that Steve is correct. From the day I receive my M10 I have felt the same as when I received my used M3 so many years ago. Sort of a rush and a need to capture the world I experience.

    I also believe that great photos happen when the eye and the heart are in sync. You have proved my point. Great images.


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