Memories, Deals, and Changes. Happy Friday everyone!
By Steve Huff
It’s the weekend again! Is it just me or does time seem to be flying by faster than ever? I seem to say this every year at least twice so maybe it is me as I have been so busy these last couple of years but wow, time is speeding by faster than ever. But in any case, it is FRIDAY and that is always a good thing. I love my weekends, as that is when I relax a bit more and only work 1/4 days instead of full. I spend time with loved ones which is what truly matters, so I love my weekends!
I noticed today that B&H Photo has some deals with Sony and other brand with some serious money off. To see those deals, check out the links (way) below. Just click on the banners to go to that brands page. Yep, these are ads but this is what keeps this site going and has since its inception. Without them, or that ad at the top of this page, this site would have to close down. So ads here are necessary for the sites survival. I do not charge access to this site (though some said I should do the $10 a year model), and never have. I also do not beg for donations. This site depends on YOU and so far over the last nine years you guys have always done enough to keep the site moving forward, and to keep me motivated as well! SO THANK YOU all. I have always said this is a site for all, not just me and this is how I have always run this site. I welcome and showcase all who have a passion for photography even if you are a beginner or not that good with a camera yet. Passion for me is what it is all about. MUCH more so than tech specs and lab tests and this site will always remain true to where it started.
As for the ads…
If you click on one of the banners below and make any purchase, I get a small commission (as do all camera and most popular sites so). Literally pennies on the dollar. These commissions add up over the month and get sent to me, and that is what pays the server bills, the security bill, and all other costs involved with running a site like this. For example, my last Sony trip for the A9? I paid $900 for my flight. Last month this site’s expenses topped $2400. Usually it is between $900-$2500 depending on if I travel for reviews. So yes, these ads and specials are needed to keep the site alive. Been this way for nine years now and I plan on making it to at least 15 years ; ) Nothing has changed but I noticed recently, after the site redesign with less ads than before, that some were complaining about seeing ads here. They have always been here! Always. Nothing new, but many do not realize they are a necessity for this free site to keep on being free. So there ya go ; )
Completely random and off topic…but here is a photo I have not seen in 20+ years, and goes back to my “Time Machine” analogy. Cameras are like magic. Nothing else in the world is as close to a time machine as an imaging machine that allows us to go back in time by reviewing and remembering memories. THIS is what my site has always been about. The passion of photography instead of the technical side. Yep, this is me circa 1972-1973 with my Mom and Sister.
As for the site re-design, it is now finished and running smooth, fast and looking sleek and clean. There were some bugs earlier in the week that have been fixed but all should be good now. The feedback has been 90% positive, so that is good. I will say that I had to change the look as the old design was causing major issues almost daily. Crashes, comment issues, hang ups, etc. That design was 8 years old and tech has moved on while that design did not. So the site now has a fully responsive theme, and the mobile version does as well.
With thousands of articles here now, and all indexed on google this site is now a huge resource of camera info. If you never checked it out, look at this huge index of posts here. It links to every single article ever written on this website. You could get lost in there so be careful ; )
REVIEWS ON THE WAY: Nocturnus II 0.95, Ultra Wides for Leica M, Meyer Optik 135 2.8 for Leica M, MORE Sony A9 used in all scenarios, New Bag review from Blackforest Bags, some new accessories and finally my follow up to the EM1 review! Yes, it is coming!
So check out the specials below from B&H Photo if you are interested in some deals this weekend on your fave brands. Enjoy your weekend everyone! THANK YOU ALL!