The 1st Leica M 240 Under Water. Check this out
By Loic Dorez
(If you would like to see Loic do a full review on this, leave a comment below)!
Manual focus is not really an issue. I use it like I used a Nikonos adding to that the techniques to shoot and focus with doom. The Leica M240 is really interesting because of its large dynamic range. Special when you shoot split water. Very dark under and highlight on surface. Plus at the end everything is incredibly compact for a full frame camera + a professional housing with doom. Quality of the camera also around 400 to 800 iso make also differences. So it’s on some way really hard to use but when you find the good tune is perfect.
Here a link with more picture and also a video shoot with the Leica. ===>http://loicdorez.com/leica-underwater/
I’d love to see a full review! Cool photos, BTW. 🙂
Thanks Karim
Ha! I was wondering when someone would finally come out with a housing for the Leica!! This might end up costing me a fortune…thanks, Loic!!
I assume when you say, “Doom”, you meant Dome [Port]?? Which lens were you using for your wide angle shots, and did you have to use a diopter under the dome port??
I would think one disadvantage of using the Leica underwater would be focusing distance…the Leica doesn’t focus closer than a meter, and underwater, it is important to be CLOSE to the subject when using strobes as light travels only a couple of feet underwater…of course, for natural light photos (like the photos you are showing), this doesn’t matter, but when using strobes, it would be an issue, right??
Hi Scotty
yes I mean dome (port) , sorry for this bad frenchy english.
I keep the answer for the wide angle lens for the review 🙂 and yes i put a diopter. I know their was a discussion with a Leica engineer and technically they “can” ( i was not there ) enlarge the focus of one of their wide angle ( the 18mm or the 16-18-21 ) . I think it can really be a good advantage for underwater and for people using Leica lens on Sony or kinds of camera like that.
You look to be a diver and so may be you know the quality of the 15mm Nikonos special design for underwater. I saw at the manufacture the ring to adapt on the M240 and the housing a 15mm Nikonos … without use the dome port … Only thing : be 200% * e10 sure of reconditioning of the seal of the lens …
For shoot these picture I already matter, I use the diopter. I didn’t test actually shooting with strobe. I’m more interested about natural light but there is flash connection.
Hi Loic!!
Thanks for the reply. I am using the Nikonos 15mm lens with my Sony A7R, and wrote an article about it here on Steve’s site…give it a read…
I would love to use my Leica (M9) underwater with my Leica 18mm….but I am not sure how to screw on a diopter to that lens…but if the 15mm could be used, that would be awesome. I look forward to your full review! Cheers!!
Looks like roatan. Great images. full review. Had a nikonos iv-a in the 80’s
Thanks Mike. It’s Tahiti in french polynesia. Didn’t know Roatan but I google it and it look good. If you still had you Nikonos IV you can put the 15mm on this housing … Just read above 🙂
Full review please. From the perspective of a long time Nikonos user, these are spectacular images. Well done.
Thanks Sanford. Happy to see many Nikonos user here. I’m a big fan also. I still have some in work condition.
Full technical review pls, and some narrative on how you do it.
Realy fascinating and beutiful picts.
Thank you for sharing.
Thanks Ricard, appreciate. I want experiment few new things then I’ll be back with a review 🙂