The Meyer Optik Nocturnus 50 f/0.95 II for Sony E Mount…REVIEW SOON
On its way to me from Germany, the Meyer Optik Nocturnus 50mm f/0.95 II. This lens looks gorgeous, and I have been looking forward to testing it out as this is MY KIND OF LENS. Manual focus, fast aperture, QUALITY and a lens that may on paper sound like others but promises to be exceptional.
This should be in my hands in about a week or two and I CAN NOT WAIT to see what it is like. While not cheap, it is far less expensive than the $11,000 Leica Noctilux 😉 So stay tuned, when it arrives I will have a 1st Look Video and some first look snaps, then a full review later on. See the Meyer Optik website with more info HERE.
And from the manufacturer…
The Nocturnus 50
The Nocturnus 50/f0.95 II impresses with its exceptional light intensity and gives photographers with mirrorless cameras a great deal of creative freedom when the progression from sharpness to blur is used well. Its 15 aperture blades create an impression that virtually no other lens can achieve: a high degree of sharpness at focal level and a bokeh effect of shapes, colors and circular lights when blurred. The manual lens enables extremely precise focus control, even in low light, which is especially valuable for shots at maximum aperture with a shallow depth of field.
The Nocturnus 50 II by Meyer-Optik-Görlitz was specially developed for use on mirrorless full-format cameras with a Sony E mount. With its starting aperture of f0.95 and 15 steel aperture blades with anti-reflex coating, the Nocturnus 50/f0.95 creates an impression that virtually no other lens can achieve. The optical design enables a high degree of sharpness at focal level, even at maximum aperture.
Exceptional light intensity
Combined with its exceptional light intensity, the Nocturnus f0,95 50mm is the ideal tool for working in low-light conditions or for shooting with available light. The infinitely adjustable aperture ring and manual focus control operate in near silence, making this lens extremely attractive for video use. Nine aperture blades ensure a pleasant, well-balanced bokeh.
Advanced mechanics
Like all of our lenses, we also placed great emphasis on the Nocturnus’ mechanics. You will love its specially selected materials and fine craftsmanship. Our Nocturnus 50/f0.95 is a tool that photographers can rely on, even in the most difficult of conditions!
The Nocturnus 50 as used by professionals
Fabian Stürtz, a professional portrait photographer with a love of low tech and getting close to his subjects, talks to us after a test shoot with our development team:
“The key strength of this lens is undoubtedly its complete flexibility in minimal light. It’s good to be able to rely on it. The strong contrast between blur and sharpness creates a stylistically compelling tension that makes images unique.”
Hallo Steve , did you get the lens ? I can’t expect your review 🙂 !
(In Russia will come Zenitar 50mm /0.95 for Sony E with 14 aperture blades )
Yes and it is gorgeous, and I have confirmed it has NOTHING to do with the Mitakon lens. At all. Nothing is the same here. But so far, I am LOVING it. Amazing build, precise feel, sharp wide open and bokeh one would expect at f/0.95. Reminds me of the AMAZING SLR Magic M mount 0.95 (the good one that was RF coupled) but half the size and cheaper. First look soon.
I’d love to see the review of the Meyer, but keep in mind that lens is $3000. The SLR Magic f1.1 is only $400 and makes pleasing images. Far from technically perfect, but attractive. So if budget is in any way a concern, just saying… I own the SLR Magic and like it.
Hello, Steve! I’m waiting for your review of this lens, it looks like being very interesting. Do you know if the lens has focus on the infinity? I’m thinking of buying Primoplan 58 f 1,9 for MFT, do you think it would have the same wonderful bokeh on e-m1 mark II, or it is so art-looking only on a full-frame?
My lens was shipped to me from Germany on Monday of this week. I expect it next week, so as soon as it arrives I will do a first look video and give some thoughts, then review shortly after. I have some other lenses from them for Leica M mount to review as well.
Great! You don’t happen to have the chance to do a one on one with the Mitakon?
Steve, I have a request. The specifications say that the Nocturnus has 15 aperture blades. I guess Meyer made this choice to provide smooth bokeh, even at smaller apertures. Therefore I’d like to ask you to also show (comparing) bokeh pictures at f/1.4 and f/2. If the bokeh stays smooth, this could be a great advantage for this lens, widening it’s applicability, because sometimes the f/0.95 will just render a too shallow DOF.
Will do.
Why pay $3000, when you can get mitakon for $900 or less?
IT IS a different lens.
It is said that this lens is actualy the Mitakon lens, but completely overhauled by Meyer Optik. Meyer does this also with the 35mm f/0.95 from Mitakon.
Overhauled meaning what? Nah… overhauled nothing aside from what they obviously need to say to justify the triple cost. Certainly they not even touch fiddling with optics.. so i guess the overhauling goes as far as the new shell. Personally, the Mitakon looks better, more Leica clone like:)
Very interested in the upcoming review!
I’ve heard that the Nocturnus is simply a dressed-up, more expensive Mitakon 50/0.95. I had the Mitakon and returned it. It was fun – like a high quality LensBaby – but ultimately it didn’t have the IQ I was looking for. (The coma on point lights was horrible! Like mushrooms…)
If the Nocturnus is actually a fresh optical design with better IQ, I might be willing to give it a go even if it is pretty pricey!
What surprises me, looking at the picture, is that they gave the focus ring such a short throw. I wonder how this will influence the focusing wide open. I would say, with the ultra shallow DOF, one would need an extra long throw. Looking forward to your review, Steve.
One thing I am unclear about, Steve, and would appreciate a brief answer – perhaps in your full review: Do these full-frame E-mount lenses fit the mount of the Nex/a6000+ series? If so, then presumably with a 1.5x change in focal length?
Yes you cn use this lens on the NEX or A6000 series, you will just be getting that APS-C crop of 1.5X so 75mm FOV.