My Favorite Camera Shops & Dealers. Ever.
It’s the holiday season and many are shopping like mad this year online and I get asked often where I buy my gear. Most of you here know my fave camera dealers but some have no idea where to go for the best deals, service and even return policies. Here is my list of the dealers I use every year for my camera gear.
Over the years I have recommended the same dealers here. Those that I have worked with and bought from on many occasions.
Below is a list of whom I buy from, who I have had great experiences with and all of those that I trust and put my name behind when it comes to camera dealers and shops!
1. Ken Hansen – This guy is everything LEICA. He has been a Leica dealer forever and used to own a store in NY. He now works from his home as he is semi-retired but his Leica business is still going strong with many Leica shooters praising his name every day. Ken has become a legend..legendary. I have never in my life experienced anything like Ken from ANY shop, dealer or store, ever. He goes above and beyond and the funny thing is he does not even have a web site, a Facebook or twitter 😉 He runs it all from his home via phone or e-mail. He has been with me since day one and you may have seen his ad in the sidebar before. It will be there for the life of the site because if it not for Ken (and a couple of other friends) this site may not have made it!
Ken has new Leica and often times has used items and unique items as well. Just call him at 212-879-3263 or send him an e-mail at and let him know what you want, need or are looking for. Most likely, he will have it. Plus, mention my name and you may get a bit of a deal..maybe. I stand 100% behind Ken Hansen.
2. B&H Photo – These guys are the king of Retail and Online sales. They do MASSIVE volume. I mean MASSIVE. I have been to the store and it is a sight to see. Hundreds of customers at any given time, long lines to check out (but they go fast) and conveyer belts that travel through the store to deliver your goods when you exit. Amazing. They have the best online experience I have encountered. First, if an item is in stock and ready to ship, it says so clearly. If it is not, it clearly states this. No guessing games. They ship same day as well if you order before a certain cut off time. So technically you could order a lens on a Monday morning and have it arrive Tuesday. They also are top notch on their returns, undo nay to Amazon. It is an online automated process, never needing to email someone or call someone for an RA number. B&H Is the king of camera retailers. You can see their site here and they sell all kinds of goodies, not just photo related. They are sort of a giant electronics megastore. I give them a 100%!
3. Amazon– Who does not shop from Amazon? Myself and everyone I know shop at Amazon and they are doing amazing things..amazing. Amazon is the future of internet shopping, food shopping and everything in between. I believe in 10 years Amazon will have the most amazing services. You can get anything and everything from Amazon. I have certain household items get delivered every month using their subscribe and save feature and I also buy tons of music (LP’s) and camera accessories such as Gariz cases, caps, batteries, lights, etc. They have anything and everything. Click here for a link to Amazon
and see for yourself. Never an issue with them, ever! The return policy and process is painless and simple. You even get a label to print for easy return. My score = 100%!
4. – PopFlash has been around for a long long time and Tony Rose is the man who owns and runs it. He is well-known among Leica shooters but he also sells Fuji, Olympus, Zeiss and many other brands at his online shop. I have purchased Leica lenses, cameras and Artisan and Artist bags and cases from PopFlash and Tony always comes through. They have some superb prices as well and when you see the “used/mint” pricing on some Leica items you may be super tempted to go for it. Check out the site at! 100%
5. CAMERAQUEST – Run by Stephen Gandy this long tim Voigtlander dealer has just about anything you could ever want from the brand. There are a few Voigtlander lenses that stick out to me and some I like better than Leica glass! The 35 1.2 II, the 15 4.5, the 50 1.5 Nokton, all superb and all a fraction of the cost of a Leica lens. If you want a great buy and fast shipping on Voigtlander lenses then you must check out CAMERAQUEST! 100%! Check out the shopping site HERE!
As you can see, all five shops/dealers get a full 100% recommendation from me because I would not recommend anyone who I did not shop with, buy from or feel 100% about. If I was 90% I would not recommend them! If you buy from ANY of the above dealers you will not be disappointed. With Amazon, if you have an issue the return policy is so good you can just return it. No questions asked. Just be sure to buy from Amazon and not a third-party (or prime). Same with B&H and some of the others. For me it should be about customer satisfaction and all of these do it very well.
So there you go, my fave dealers and vendors. When you want to buy a camera or lens or accessory or ANYTHING, check them out! They are what help to keep this site running!
Due to this site, I purchased my first Leica M and lenses a bit over a year ago. And also due to this site I got them from Ken. I love my M240 and lenses (35mm Lux and 21mm Super Elmer) and Ken’s service and advice was fantastic.
So thanks Steve! Thanks for the inspiration to take the leap and finally get I camera I truly love and for the recommendation of Ken.
I agree with all five, I might add my local Leica dealer in Miami. His service is stellar, plus Photo Village in NYC are great guys all around.
Ken Hansen IMHO is the best dealer of Leica equipment. He has helped me many times. I will always go to him before the others.
If you can shop local it is a great thing to do. I would add Dan Tamarkin in Chicago as a great place to look for Leica equipment (not detracting from Ken at all, just have always dealt with Dan). I’ve done a lot of business with B&H as well, hard to beat the prices, but I do feel like supporting local stores if you can keeps the option to have a relationship and to see, feel, and interact with the equipment before purchase. And with respect to used Leica gear it is great to have Tamarkin in Chicago.
100% agree with your review of Ken, Steve. I bought my first Leica (an MP240) and two lenses from him late last year due to your site and mentions of him. His service was fantastic. Very helpful and honest with all my many questions.
I was looking for a wide lens as well, and he convinced me out of a few to go with the 21mm Super Elmar – so happy he did. Many of my favorite shots are taken with that lens.
So thanks Steve for the great site and convincing me to to buy Leica and buy it with Ken. 🙂
I’ve purchased from every one of these except Ken (maybe a Leica in 2017 from Ken ;-), and can agree 100%. I’ve been shopping from B&H since 1991, and they not only have the most amazing website in the world (not just compared to photo stores), but they have amazing customer service too. Their wish list are addicting. Thanks Steve.
How about wotancraft.their service and products are just great.