Submit YOUR User Reports and Articles! Here’s how..


You now have a voice in the photo world!

About 8 years ago I started this site as a hobby, something I never thought many people would ever see. As time went on and more and more readers came I had the dream of turning this website into not only a place for me to post my reviews, but I had the grand Idea that I wanted it to be a world-wide resource for ANYONE who is passionate about photography to share their experiences and results. Their accomplishments and yes…even failures. A place where we can ALL learn from in this exciting world of photography. A place that was friendly with a great community of like-minded individuals. After almost 5 years, that dream became a reality! Today after 7 years it is going strong!

In the past few years this site has become a huge resource to the photographic community and not only due to my own reviews and articles but also because of the articles that the readers of this site have submitted for the world to see! It has become what I have always hoped for, a passionate and inspired community of photographers who love to read about their passion but also write about it and share their experiences with camera gear, lenses, film, or whatever it is that they shoot. There are so many user reports on this website and it grows every week.

Why is this so important? Well, it is creating a library of information, experiences and gorgeous photos that are all hosted here for anyone to see, at anytime, for FREE. If someone wants to read about a Sony camera there are plenty of posts about them. Same with Olympus, Same with Pentax, same with Nikon and Leica. Many are my own writings and many are YOURS and this helps not only you and me but the entire world as anyone can benefit from these real world experiences! The best part is that it grows larger all of the time, and this is quite special.

FACT: This website was the very 1st “Real World” camera and lens review site on-line and today there are hundreds and YOU can be a part of the original by sharing your experience with everyone!

Do you have a something you want to share with the readers of the site that can be educational for everyone? Maybe a camera review, a lens review an overview of gear or even a photo trip you have recently taken using your favorite camera? It does not have to be a new item and can even be a 60-year-old film camera you choose to write about. As long as it is YOUR experience and you want to share it. The cool thing is that your photos, your name and your article will be seen by tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people because that article will remain here on this site forever (as long as this site is live).

What will you get out of it?

***I do not offer money*** but instead I offer you the chance to promote your own website, blog or flickr, facebook, etc. In any user report that you submit to me I will add a link back to your website or portfolio (if you have one) and it will be visible and seen by tens of thousands of readers, if not hundreds of thousands over a period of time.

Many of the readers who have submitted have become quite well-known in the photography world just from my site here! You will also get the joy of seeing your own work and writings published on one of the hottest photo sites online today as well as one of the most friendliest.

It will be online as a resource for the lifetime of this website, which I hope is a long long time. It is a community effort that one day will be recognized as THE PLACE to go to read about photography, passion and gear reports from all over the world!! So the bottom line is you get exposure for your blog, your flickr or website, sometimes MASSIVE exposure. I will also post your article to my twitter, Facebook, pinterest and Google + for even more exposure.

I have had some offer to PAY ME to publish an article, in fact, this happens on a weekly basis. I turn them down because they are just someone wanting  to promote a product by writing a nonsense article. So if you want to submit something all I ask is that you do indeed love photography!

So if you want to send in your own USER REPORT, just follow the instructions below!


1. Have your idea ready to go and make sure you agree to the “What will you get out of it” section above.

2. Email me HERE with your idea

3. When I get back to you with the OK, write it up and send it in to me!

4. Make sure you send the text in one email, and images in a 2nd email

5. Images should be no larger than 1500 pixels wide and must be sent as JPEGS

6. Once submitted it can take anywhere from 1-4 weeks to appear and will remain for the life of this blog! It can NOT and will not  be removed once posted (due to many reasons) so be sure you are OK with this!

I will put together your article, edit anything that may be needed but I will not alter or touch your photos unless it is to make a title image/graphic. When posted your name will be in the headline title and any links you submit to me will be in the article. That’s it! Easy as can be!

By submitting your own report it can help anyone who is interested in reading this information and your post will be ranked high in Google as well due to this sites high popularity. You now have a voice in the photo world right here at STEVEHUFFPHOTO.COM! So get inspired, get motivated and share your passion right here, right now!

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