More fun with the Leica Monochrom Typ 246
Hey guys! It’s Sunday, Father Day 2015 and I want to wish all dad’s out there a GREAT day. Today is a lazy day for me, so I am just chilling around the house but wanted to share a few snaps I shot last week while in Murphy’s CA with some friends. I had my Sony A7II with me as well as the new Leica Monochrom 246 and I was shooting it up to ISO 12,500 without any NR applied. Deep down in the darkness of the Moaning Caverns the Monochrom with Voigtlander 15 4.5 III did superb. Even with the slow aperture, the high ISO capability of the MM was able to take shots in very dark conditions, even though the images make it appear brighter than it really was.
So wishing you all a happy weekend, a happy Father’s day and just sharing some images from the Leica MM 246 for those still looking for samples from this beautiful camera.
CLICK IMAGES FOR LARGER AND BETTER VERSIONS! All were shot with the Voigtlander 15 f/4.5 VIII
Hi Steve Wow Fantastic I hope and Pray that one day a MM will be used by ME All the best to you and your Family I have a used Fuji X Pro 1 and will be Falling into some ca$h soon! Preping my First Gallery Photo Pass 1997-Present. Film Digital Prints. Your site has been my go to site for some time and has kept my interest in Hybrid RF SLR lens with D Bodies. Leica has always been my Bar to set standards to and thanks to the passion of folks all over our world…Will keep you updated OK.
Loved the cave desending POV and The Leica Optics of CV lens on par with Leica lens Quality. I remember asking a local Leica Tech here in Toronto and he swore by CV lens on Any Leica Body Film and or Digital! Go team CV in GMBH Yeah!…Hope all the film fans RF SLR etc are still Alive and kicking! Your fan and Please keep this great site up and Running OK it means a lot to US. Smiles and sunshine OK Paul Toronto!
Impressive results are you still doing a full review?
Thank you,Steve! Great photos! Waiting for my Leica M 246 as well.
Im very impressed,well done Steve,lovely long range of tones,full of colour! Beautiful.
Happy Father’s Day, Steve!
I had a chance to compare some in-camera B&W JPEGs from the new Leica Q to some JPEGs I shot with the M Monochrom/Noctilux 0.95 in 2013. I can hardly believe how much better the 18 mp MM resolved certain features than the Q did.
I been thinking lately to sell the M9-P, get the old MM and the new Q. What you think about this kit? My only reservation is that I would like to have a color sensor to take photos of my daughter, and as much as I love B&W, I think color plays a big part in a childs life
Great shots Steve. Could you repeat what you did with the M type 240 vs the Monochrome (type M 9), with the new MM ? The best, of course, is to get the two of them, but, alas, it is insanely expensive…
I grew up just 15 minutes from there in Columbia. I’ve done that repel many times. You should check out the living ghost town of Columbia. The Fallon House, Columbia City Hotel and several saloons are haunted. More so than Angels Camp or Murphys. Plus everyone dresses in 1860 period clothing. Ryan
what software do you use for post processing ?