The Wotancraft RAVEN Mirrorless Camera Bag Video Review
Hey guys! I am back yet again with another video review of a GREAT Wotancraft bag. I have to say, these guys make the best bags I have ever used. Not only are they gorgeous in their design and workmanship, they are very functional and useful, which is what they go for. A perfect mix of style, quality and functionality.
In the past I have reviewed the Ryker, The Thor and others and today I am talking about the new small bag they call “RAVEN”. The Raven is all leather, all hand-made, all 100% quality construction and materials. It comes in at $279 US and is perfect for a mirrorless or Leica system. In fact, the small Raven puts most “boutique” bags to shame with its amazing feel and design. Like a baby Ryker!
Check out the video below as well as images below it. You can order the Ryker at WOTANCRAFT HERE.
My video review of the Raven

Steve … I need a small bag for my new Leica Q … and the Leica bag itself does not close over the camera when the hood is screwed in … I find that incredible for a fixed single lens camera. So looking at the Wotancraft offerings and the Raven looks like a candidate … but will the Q fit in comfortably ?
Any advice much appreciated.
The raven would be perfect.
Hi Steve does it fit fuji x-t1 + 23 f1.4 and 52 apd?
Thank you
Steve, Thanks a bunch for your great site and your passion for cameras, I really enjoy it all! I’m interested in the smallest bag I can find for travel with an A7II + 24-70 + Zeiss 35 + charger. Would the Raven bag be large enough for this?
Nope, you would need the Ryker, which is gorgeous. The Raven would be good for an A7II and 35 2.8 or 55 1.8 or Zeiss Loxia. No way the 24-70, cam and extra lens would ever fit.
Perfect.Thanks for your response. Do you think just the 24-70 and charger could fit?
Hi Steve could you fit a Em1 with a 12-40mm F2.8 and maybe a 45mm in this bag? Or would the Ryker fit a Em1 with a 12-40, the new 40-150mm ? Just trying to decide on the Raven vs the bigger Ryker. Wanted something small to fit in my main carry on.
Id go Ryker. The Raven is for maybe an E-M1, a 45 and a 25.
Thank you Steve love your videos all the way from Northern Canada….keep up the great work…….I kept going back and forth but maybe I will settle on the Raven with just the Em1 and the 12-40mm f2.8.
Steve, thanks for this review. I used your link to go to the Wotancraft site and ordered the Raven–it’s exactly what I needed for light day to day shooting. As you said, it’s a beautiful bag, just like the Ryker, which I also have. I likewise recommend having Wotancraft ship via postal service. It was free with no customs duty tax and the bag was shipped to PA in 11 days.
Let me supply a tip on shipping. Choose the Taiwan “Postal Shipping” if you want to avoid paying Customs Duties on your purchase, with the offset that it will take a little longer to arrive.. I bought the Ryker and selected the second fastest “Federal Express” shipping at a 19 day wait. Two weeks after the bag arrived I get a fat envelope from Federal Express demanding that I pay another $41.83 in Customs Duty Tax. Just a fair warning that if you select Federal Express to save time – you’ll pay customs tax.
I can’t be pc, either. This just says purse.
Real men are comfortable enough with themselves to carry what they want and that work 🙂
Steve, not sure my comments above have been received. From the measurements of the Raven, it would appear that I could put my M9 with a lens on the camera in a vertical position in the bag. Do you agree. Also, I checked out the weight ot the Raven and it weighs the same as my canvas Bellingham Leica bag which of course is larger. So I think that the Raven would provide me the small light bag that I want for everyday use. When I go to the Wotoncraft site to purchase the bag, it will take 25 days for free shipping by the postal service. You mentioned that you received your bag in 3-4 days. How was it shipped? Thanks for your reply.
Your other comments are all here… My bag was shipped Fed Ex – should be an option. I have not yet checked an M in vertical position but will today.
Looks amazing !!
Does anyone of you know where in Europe you can get wotancraft bags?
Want to avoid the pain of ordering directly/ customs etc
Steve, I just checked out the weights of the Leica Billingham bag and the Raven. They are both 1.54 pounds (0.7 kg). So, they weigh the same although the Billingham is larger. As I stated in my message above, it would be nice if I could stand the camera vertically in the Raven but it’s not essential. Lastly, at the site they say that it will take 25 days to get the bag, which means it’s being shipped from overseas. What is the link to order it within the U.S.? You mentioned in your video that you got it in 3-4 days. Thanks again.
Steve, I have the Ryker and really like it; however, I sometimes prefer my Billingham canvas bag that was made for Leica and is about the same size as the Ryker because it is much lighter being canvas. I have a Leica M9 and a 50 and 35 Lux. However, I would like a small bag to carry just my M9 and the lens on it. Question. In the Ryker and Billingham, I like to stand my M9 vertically with a lens on it. Can you do that with the Raven? Is there enough height? Also, would the M9 with a lens on it in the Raven be about the same weight as in the Billingham? I’m looking for a small bag that is light for every day shooting when I generally don’t carry an extra lens. Thanks for you reply.
would below equip fit in this bag?
E-M1 / E-M5 Mark II + 12-24 + 40-150?
Noooooooo. This is for a mirrorless and one lens (one on body and one next to it). It will hold an E-M5 with a 12mm and 45 or a 12-40 and a 45. No way the beat 40-150 will fit. Not even the Ryker would hold that. Thats a big lens. This bag is perfect for a Leica M and two lenses. It’s too small for my A7Ii and two lenses.
Thanks for a great review.
I had to go to Chicago on short notice last summer. My carry-on was my Domke Reporter’s Satchel, with my X100s (today, that would be the E-M5II, probably with the 12-40 Pro zoom, the only lens I own right now), spare batteries, cards, charger, gaffer tape wrapped around an old credit card, cleaning gear (Zeiss lens wipes, Giottos large Rocket Blower, lipstick-tube camel hair brush, microfiber cloth). One of the pouch pockets holds the camera accessories, including a Swiss Army knife (which of course had to go into checked baggage in our present, servile state) the other holds a small first-aid kit and a silnylon rain poncho (it got used one day). The main compartment held a sweatshshirt; a change of underwear in case there was a problem with my connecting flight or my checked bag got lost; toothbrush, toothpaste, medicines, deodorant, etc.; prescription sunglasses in their hard case. The camera rode on top for easy access when I wasn’t wearing it. The back pocket held aletter-size writing portfolio (I’ll get a tablet one of these years) and a book. I left my Yong-Nuo flash and Lastolite white balance/gray card disc at home to conserve space and weight.
That was a good setup, but I admit to liking leather bags. Which Wotancraft do you think would replace the Domke?
Be to share some photos with your new Oly body and the one zoom..I have the same zoom and EM1. WEATHER sealed body and lens a plus going into spring weather. Can’t imagine what your bag would with DSLR gesr.
Bob from Chicago
Hi Bob,
I was born and raised in Chicago, but hadn’t been back in nearly 40 years: my dad died and I went back to settle his affairs.
One advantage of the Reporter’s Satchel (which is my everyday carry briefcase) is that, lacking the padded camera bag-type pockets, I was able to stuff it with my carry-on items. There was no need to think about extra lenses with the X100s.
I have some photos from the E-M5II at in the “Palo Alto Orthodontics” gallery. I’ll be loading more into a new gallery, “Alum Rock Jazz” soon.
Steve, I love your website, but the lighting and focus on your videos need help. The photos are great, however your videos appear to be a bit soft and the lighting doesn’t help.
Because I am not worried about making a pro polished shiny looking video that would take me all day to do. I have been doing this for 7 years and just do what I do. I am not politically correct, I never kiss anyones ass, and I barely have 5 minutes of free time in a day, so I do what I can. It’s either that or do no videos at all. I can show you 150 videos that have perfect light and focus, and a few that are awful. If I had more time to commit to videos they would be on another level, but I do not have time for it, really. I have four business I run and this one takes 50-60 hours per week, others take a total of 20+ per week. I have no free time to do much of anything. But, with that said, video looks fine to me. I see the bag just fine, and the audio is great. It is def not dark and there is plenty of light.
Steve, just a bit of ‘friendly’ criticism, I obviously I read your site and watch your videos so that’s not an issue. Seems like I may have hit a nerve given the level of your response. Steve, relax it’s O.K. the fact that people watch and comment on your work means that they’re invested, that’s good. Try to accept the comments in the spirit that they’re provided. By the way, love the dog off to the side.
I do! I was not irritated, angry or upset, AT ALL. Just state things how they are, all the time. I am not fake, ever 🙂 Just my honest reply.
If I Looked as good with my head shaved as you do I would visit my barber less frequently 🙂
I like my Raven even better than the Ryker (it is slim and sleek. I .have it configured in 3 sections. An A7ii with 24-70 mounted lens down in the center. On the left a flash (or lens). A very small partition on the right for batteries etc. I had a longer strap made at a custom leather shop as the strap was too short for my 6′ 2″ frame.
Love your site! Quick question about the Ryker: can I carry a full size iPad in it?
I just got my Raven two weeks ago (waiting on a longer strap from WOTANCRAFT since I am a pretty big guy – but love the bag already). I got the Raven bag as my “carry when I am out on the town at night or going to dinner when I’m in Barcelona or Venice and not look like I’m carrying a camera bag” so I didn’t expect it to be big enough for an iPad – which it wasn’t. Now I’m thinking about getting the Ryker as my weekend bag which means I’d like to have my full sized iPad with me. I have already been using my Scout from WOTANCRAFT for years as my weekday bag (which WOTANCRAFT made me a custom longer strap upon request), which I can carry my GX7, 3 lenses, and an iPad in the pocket behind the weatherproof insert.
Let me know about the Ryker if you don’t mind. The iPad question is the only reason I haven’t pulled the trigger on that one yet. Thanks!
Thanks Steve, I was deciding whether to get the Ryker or a Billingham Hadley Pro. Upon reading reviews it is still too big for my needs. I just want a simple bag and I’m glad Wotancraft came out with this one.
I got the black canvas Olympus bag and love it. I carry OLY EM1 AND 2 primes one zoom and a Flash.
It has a zipper pocket for small items like memory cards and extra batteries
And four outside pockets for stuff like a filter a cell phone car keys etc. I think it was under $50 and very well.made.
Bob gallagher Chicago suburbs
This bag looks great! One question I have is the following: I have heard some say that there is a theoretical risk of storing digital cameras near magnetic fields. I assume that the small magnets in the flap of the bag are of no consequence, but has anybody researched this? Does anybody out there have some real, practical knowledge on this topic? Thanks in advance.
I’m just in the market for one of those.
how does it compare it to the Ona Bowery?
Looks a tag smaller right?
Smaller, lighter and better leather quality.