1. I’ll rather wait for Steve’s review…He is a real enthusiast, quite professional and informative! I definetly do prefer the “western style”…I only managed to view a Kim’s review only up to one third or so…as I couldn’t stand any more…The Fuji guys are not much better…! Sorry, but a Steve’s review or video any time!

  2. Other than being soft at f2, my x100 is still my go to camera, even with an RX1R (waaay to slow at AF, even compared to x100).

  3. I agree with a few others… My first impression is that it seems like it’s starting to get a bit fiddly, especially with the hybrid display. I wish they would have taken true rangefinder tech (as seen in the Fuji GF670) and applied it here.

  4. It would be great if they could update the X100 / S with the customizeable buttons via firmware updates. Just give us at least one more button to customize, please!

    • If your left eye is dominant, then that’s the one you have to use. It’s not about the camera.

      Some people can train themselves to use their non-dominant eye, most can’t.

  5. The whole point of the X100 series is the OVF. As much as the EVF in the XT1 is great, there are some of us who like OVF’s and the X-Pro1 and X100 do a great job of fulfilling that niche market. Having said that I agree that there may be some feature-creep going on here.

    My personal wishlist is just better high ISO and better video and it would be my dream camera. The high ISO will happen but it seems they are incapable of providing a decent video output.

    • My guess is, in 2 years line skipping will be abandoned and full sensor readout will be common practice. Todays terrible video quality of almost all (photo-) cameras will be history then. Hopefully.

  6. Is the EVF and 1/3rd aperture increments the only change from the X100S? What about auto-focus improvements?

  7. They seem to have overloaded it with features which goes against the simplicity of the basic design. However a Flip screen would have been good.

    • I don’t agree with that. The X100T is much improved and is the first X100 i really want to buy. All the downsides of the X100/X100S (manual focus w OVF, LCD resolution, rear button layout, EVF lag) seem to be eliminated.

      I’m seriously excited about the X100T.

  8. I always suggested (not to suggest I was the only one who has) a good many improvements to the Hybrid VF and AF/MF system in any discussions about the next X-Pro camera (and consequently it relates to X100 model as well) in the past, and now has implemented these suggested improvements to the Hybrid VF and AF/MF system in this new X100T.

    I always liked my X100 and the X-Pro1, the only 2 X cameras to have the Hybrid VF. Great idea, but it was never really executed the best, imho… you can only focus using AF with the OVF, and it’s been too many personal hit or miss (more misses to make it annoying) to trust the AF using the OVF.. so, you really have to use the EVF to get accurate focus confirmation and framing (framing generally not being nearly as big a deal as the AF when using the OVF). This negates the benefits and fun of using the OVF, in my opinion, and using the EVF was the only way to focus and frame with most confidence… and at the time, X100S is much improved, the X-Pro1 still the oldest, lower res and laggy.

    I also wanted an improved refresh and magnification much like the X-T1, and they’ve done nearly as good with the new X100T! Thank you Fuji!

    Going back to the hybrid VF and AF & MF of the X-Pro1 (and X100), it sucked not being able to get a more true digital rangefinder experience using the OVF.. you can’t MF at all! All be it I felt a bit over the top and high tech to implement in the near future, I really felt I wanted a small focusing patch digitally overlaid within the OVF and adjusting frame lines to match the focusing area just like a real rangefinder.. didn’t think they could do it, but it would have been the best thing to make a true digital rangefinder.. and guess what, they did it! I wanted the patch to be centered like in a Leica M, but being in the bottom right corner works for me.. as that patch actually shows what’s in the focusing square and the frame lines adjust SMOOTHLY TOO! to the focusing you are doing manually!.. it use to be much more choppy, flash on and off as you autofocuses.. no more in the X100T! And that patch can still be used with AF and you can finally see not only the exact point of focus to confirm, but that little window should also show you the overall framing so you have highest confidence you are getting the best & most accurate framing while using the OVF! Again, Freakin’ awesome!

    This X100T’s features described above and a significant list of other improvements and added features makes me finally jump back on board with Fuji as this really does seem like ideal digital rangefinder experience that won’t break the bank like a Leica.

    Word on any news regarding a new X-Pro has dropped off for a while.. supposedly supposed to be announced at Photokina coming up next week, but I feel it will be delayed longer since this big Fuji announcement so soon to Photokina.. regardless, with the way the X100T has advanced the X100 line, I am very optimistic the next X-Pro will have all of the above and then some.. will be really really cool.

  9. ” I am really digging this EVF in a big way. This is something that Leica should be doing with their next M model in a couple of years!”

    I hope not seeing that the EVF in Fuji’s gives me motion sickness due to the refresh rate. I don’t get this sensation from Sony or Olympus EVFs. I’ve heard from a few others that they suffer the same way.

    Queasily yours.

    • Well, I do not mean them taking this exact X100 EVF and placing it in the Leica M. I meant they need to design their own and make it even better..same tech is what I meant. A switchable VF that goes from EVF to RF with a click of a switch.

  10. Wow the features sound like a great update. Seeing a bit more in the video helps. Steve do a review when you get one

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