By popular demand..you can now donate to the site via paypal!
By popular demand..you can now donate to the site! Over the past five years I have had hundreds of e-mails asking me how one can donate to the site. I never was really into asking […]
By popular demand..you can now donate to the site! Over the past five years I have had hundreds of e-mails asking me how one can donate to the site. I never was really into asking […]
The Sony A6000 Digital Camera Review by Steve Huff Sony is back once again with a camera that may appear to be just like the previous NEX-6 but takes it to the next level […]
POLL: Do you guys want more News posts? Hey guys! Happy memorial day to you all! hope some of you are out having a great relaxing day off! Just a quick poll question: Do you […]
New Leica Silver Monochrom, 28 Summilux SE and 90 Macro set! Most of you gave probably seen all of this already but Leica introduced a couple of new items this past week, which some of […]
The Wotancraft Ryker Camera Bag Review This is mainly a video review of the beautiful Wotancraft Ryker bag. I will add some words after the video below: Not everyone is a camera bag kind of […]
Hail to the King of the 50’s. The Leica 50 Summicron f/2 APO. If one thing is sure to stir up controversy, it is something written positively about Leica on these pages, lol. It never […]
The Voigtlander 75 1.8 VM Heliar Classic Lens Quick Review By Steve Huff Lens is available to purchase HERE Hello to all! Today is Saturday, May 17th 2014 (the day I am writing this, not […]
Leica M 240 Art di Mano M Cases in stock. Just a heads up to some of you who were looking for the Art di Mano cases for the M 240. Leicastoremiami.com has TWO in […]
The new Sony RX100III may be the hit of the year! The new Sony RX100III was announced a couple of days ago and it looks like the best of the series to date, by far. The original RX100 […]
New Orleans for Fun, Photos and Ghosts with Olympus TG-3 and E-M10 Wow, finally I am at home relaxing in my Pajamas and with cup of coffee in hand I am feeling blessed in all […]
The all new Sony A7s is now up for pre-order at B&H Photo HERE or Amazon HERE at $2,498.00. This will be a full frame monster of a low light shooter. I mean, ISO 50-409,000! 4K […]
Site Update: I’m traveling but new reviews are on the way! Hello to all! Just want to update everyone on what is happening here at SteveHuffPhoto.com. For the past eight days I have been on […]
The best camera ever By Etienne Schoettel Hi Steve, I am one of your daily readers looking for your like-no-other reviews and your passionate and crazy comparisons but sadly (for me) I never write a comment. […]
An engaging Leica M3 by Dave Lewis Hi Steve, I’ve been a long time reader of your site, but I’ve not as yet taken the opportunity to contribute. My name is Dave Lewis, I’m 27 […]
The Mitakon 50 f/0.95 Lens is up for Pre-Order! I promised that I would post the order info for the Mitakon 50 0.95 lens as soon as it went up, so here you go! You […]