Shaking the Disease – The love of the gear.
Shaking the Disease – The love of the gear. By Steve Huff Being a guy who constantly receives new cameras and lenses to review for the past 6 years, I have used my fair share […]
Shaking the Disease – The love of the gear. By Steve Huff Being a guy who constantly receives new cameras and lenses to review for the past 6 years, I have used my fair share […]
Quick updates on the Fuji X-T1 by Brad Husick (see Brad’s initial thoughts at the bottom of my X-T1 review HERE) I am still loving my new X-T1 and the results I am getting with […]
The Leica X-Vario as a Travel Camera By Thomas H. Hahn Hi Steve and Brandon, Many thanks for giving me the opportunity to share some insights & outsights on the Leica X-Vario. I travel a […]
The Olympus E-M10 and 12-40 f/2.8 Pro Zoom Mini Review With Olympus continually being on top of their own mirrorless camera game I admit…I was a bit hesitant when the E-M10 was announced. I mean, […]
Shooting & Processing Cinema Film in a Still Camera by Brett Price Hey Steve, Thought I’d write up a quick little article on a recent set of photos I took. I’ve submitted several posts before […]
The Nikon V3 is here..MINUS the built in EVF!?! So the long-awaited Nikon V3 is just about here and what did Nikon go and do? They made is small like a coolpix, took OUT the […]
The new ONA Berlin Leica M System Bag The new ONA Berlin is now available and I have had one for the past 7-10 days putting it through its paces around town. This is a […]
Brazil 2014 by Colin Steel – His Website is HERE Given that Brazil is one of the worlds most famous footballing countries and the massive amount of media attention focused on this years World Cup […]
Sulawesi, Indonesia with the M9 by Andre Hi Steve, It seems almost obligatory to begin with a big thank you for all the work you put into your site and I too would like to […]
The Fuji X-T1 Review. Fuji creates the Best X to date! What a way to blow a review! I pretty much say right there in the title that yes indeed this X-T1 is the BEST […]
A Fujifilm Love Affair – The X-T1 & XF56mmF1.2 by Raymond Hau – http://jkspepper.tumblr.com – http://www.flickr.com/photos/_dhermes/ The Slow Drawn Out Introduction Why am I calling this a love affair? Perhaps it’s because this best sums up the experience […]
Friday Film: Contax 645 and Leica M7 by John Tuckey Hi All, another film Friday offering for you to love or hate as you like 😉 These images are all from a shoot last weekend. […]
Buying Leica M8 in London – First experiences by Ruben Laranjeira Hi Steve, I am Ruben from Portugal and I have 28 years old. I visit your site every day, since late 2008. And you have […]
Judo Shooting..with Strobes and a Leica by Jochen Kohl The shooting took place at a Judo Dojo and the main participant was local Ving Tsun Master and a former national league Judoka. The picture showing the […]
In praise of the Leica Monochrom by Colin Templeton Hi Steve, I’ve been a regular visitor to your site over the years, and thought it was time I contributed something, rather than continue to sit […]