Daily Inspiration #449 by Shane Hicks

Hi Steve, I’m lucky to travel a little with work, I recently moved from a Sony A900 to an RX1 (love it) and happened to be in Montreal for a few hours between flights, thought it could make an interesting article as it’s quite a diverse set showing what the RX1 can do, few samples below and lots more on my flick page including others with a Sigma DP2M & Nex 5 & 7




Montreal 3

Montreal 4

Montreal 2

Montreal 1


  1. Shane, the pictures gave me a lot of pleasure. I went to your link to flikr as well 🙂

    I would appreciate knowing which were the pictures taken with Sigma DP2M, as I am very curious about that camera. On flikr I could not get the EXIF of the photos–is there a way to see which photos were shot with the DP2M?


  2. Really interesting stuff. Your sense of framing and the way you post-process turn everyday scenes into something special. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I really like your photos, especially the third image. I’ve seen the third and fourth image before. Thanks for the images.

  4. Gorgeous photos! I love your post work too. There is a softness to them. A little bit less contrast? A little less saturation? What did you do?

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