Salted Wounds – Hurricane Sandy Book
Hey to everyone! Today is a gorgeous Thursday and I am taking it slow for the next few days because I know there is a slew of new stuff right around the corner, sO I am gearing up for it. New Micro 4/3, New Sony, and maybe a surprise or two from other camera companies. Also have a couple of new bags on the way for review, more on the “Stylish” and “Functional” side. So I will have a busy week next week. That means today, I am answering e-mails, catching up with news, cleaning my home office and trying to decide what I want for lunch.
While browsing around I remembered a project that a friend of mine is doing and many of you should know her. Amy Medina is working on a book called “Salted Wounds” about Hurricane Sandy. Amy has written many articles and reviews here in the past few years and Hurricane Sandy affected her personally with damage to her roof (that is now leaking). Being the passionate photographer that she is, she went out after the storm and shot much of the aftermath and is now compiling all of those into a beautiful book and e-book. Her Indiegogo goal of $1000 has been met to cover costs of the books, printing and work involved and Amy is now going to donate some of the proceeds to a Hurricane Sandy Charity as well.
I’ve met Amy as she has attended two of my meet ups/workshops in the past. Great person and 100% passionate about what she does.
Go check out her Indigogo project page and if you would like to pitch in you can for as little as $7 for the e-book. Also, FYI, I was in early and paid $57 for the full book and print Good luck Amy!
I like the photo’s, I really would like to know with which camera did he captured that.
Well done Amy for getting this project up and running.
We should be helping Miley cyrus hahahaa
Is the new SONY the full frame model they’re adding to the NEX line?