Used Deals!
I was browsing the B&H Photo and PopFlash site today and noticed a slew of used gear, some old, some new-ish and some interesting pieces. Below are descriptions and direct links, maybe you will see something you like. 🙂 There are new used items going up in the Buy and Sell forum daily as well.
B&H Photo
A 9 condition Sony RX1 for $2249 at B&H Photo
An in box 9 condition Olympus OM-D E-M5 for $729 at B&H Photo
An 8+ Chrome Leica M8 for $2099! A digital classic, probably the most film like of all digital M’s.
An in box 9 condition favorite of mine, the 50 Summicron f/2. $1799
A 9+ 28 Elmarit ASPH in box – $1799 – Great match up with the 50 Cron!
A 9 CONDITION Non Coded 50 Summicron. No box. $1599
A 9 condition 90 Summarit. Best bang for the buck 90 in the Leica stable. $1449
A LEICA CL film camera with 40mm Summicron in 9 condition for $999!
A 9 condition classic 90 Summicron, pre-asph. $799
A 9 condition 35 Summicron PRE-ASPH – $2199
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Wow, this is cool to see. The classic Panasonic L1 4/3 Camera (Digilux 3)
Olympus E-1 with battery holder, $199!
Leitz 50 Summicron – No coding – $999
I just bought a completely customized, blacked out, barely used M8 for $1699 at a store in NJ…also a new 35 mm Summarit…If I ever pay for these then the 50 cron is next!
Got the RX1. Thank you Steve!!
Got it.
A 9+ 28 Elmarit ASPH in box – $1799
I was about to buy it new. 🙂
Thanks Steve