The Artisan & Artist Easy Slider Strap (Video)
Hello to everyone! Happy Thursday! It’s now day 11 of my Flu but I am 75% back to being “me” – no more fever, no more chills and no more just lying around. If any of you have NOT yet had the flu and did NOT go get a Flu shot, I HIGHLY recommend getting that shot! This flu will kick your behind BAD! In my entire life I have never been as sick as I have been for the past 11 days and it just lingers around..reminding you it is there when you think you are all better. It really sucks.
Yesterday I decided to get up and make a video for this really cool strap that came in a few days ago because it is a really functional strap and it works as advertised. You can see the basic idea of it in the video below and how easy it adjusts just by “sliding” it up or down.
I have always loved Artisan and Artisan products. I have two of their bags that I use quote often and what I love about them is they are just black on the outside and have simple storage on the inside. They also look cool with the red soft interiors. As for straps, A&A have some very popular straps including the very pricey silk strap cords that some shooters LOVE. They make quality accessories that are also fashionable so if that is your thing then you can’t go wrong with one of these slider straps.
The Easy Slider strap is well made, looks nice, feels comfortable on (I am using it with a Sony RX1) and is a cinch to slide up or down/adjust for your own body. This strap would be great for just about any mirrorless, any Leica or even any DSLR. They come in red or black and are $119, sold at You can see all of the details in the video above including a demo of how the easy slider function works.
PopFlash has stock NOW and they have the RED one HERE and the black one is HERE.
From the manufacturer:
This is a completely new type of camera strap that you can adjust and fix to the exact length you want with one finger. It is named “Easy Slider” (registered as a utility model). Put your finger through the D shaped hook, and simply pull up to shorten the strap and pull down to extend the strap. It is a superior camera strap that if you release your finger from the hook, the strap will stay fixed at the adjusted length. The ring type is newly introduced this time in addition to the tape type which is already very popular since its introduction.
Material: Leather, Nylon
Dimensions (L×WxT): 820~1,390mm(L) × 24mm(W) x 1.2mm(T) (inches = LxWxT = 32.3~54.72 x 0.95 x 0.05)
Made in Japan
I’ve had few A&A straps and case for Leica and GR, and I have to say I was pretty disappointed with quality and feel of their leather. (it was pretty hard and fit was not super nice). Don’t really know about fabric thou, better be magical for this $$$.
This looks great. How short can it get? I ask cos I wonder how it would be using it as a wrist strap from time to time. Would it be better to go with Barton or Silk strap if one prefered both neck and wrist strap?
Love your dog in the background!
Just bought one in red for my Panasonic LC1 (Leica Digilux 2 equivalent). Interestingly, in the UK it is £49 (including 20% sales tax) – at last something is cheaper than in the US.
However, at the end of the day it is just a bit of cheap nylon with leather fastenings. Cannot have cost more than £3 to make!
Great strap ! Just bought one for my new RX1, who has been destroyed after a fall… ;(
Hi Steve,
The spec’s say that the strap is 54″ long but in the movie you still have quite a bit of the strap cinched up behind you and that looks like it might be more than 54″. If you had a fanny pack on your hip, could the strap extend down far enough so that you could carry a camera in the fanny pack? I’m thinking of extra protection while carrying it in crowded places in the 3rd world.
Artisan….. mmm maybe did some…. well….ehhh… visited Luma Labs – chinch?

You guys will have a much better strap for $70 from Luma Labs. What? No, unfortunately not a red one, if ‘the looks’ is the only thing that matters to you, get $$$ one
Yeah, but the cinch uses the tripod socket as one of the connection points – works better on some cameras than others. I looked at it and it seemed like overkill for the types of non-DSLR cameras I shoot. This looks a lot better for my purposes, even if it is expensive…
Neat looking strap! Reminds me of the cam buckle system on my Mission Workshop Monty messenger bag.
Steve, will the slide slip and lengthen as you walk around and the camera bounces up and down? Or when using a heavier camera like the M?
No, the strap has not loosened of slipped at all using an RX1 with EVF or a Leica MM with 50 Lux.
I must be easily distracted. Camera strap? I spent most of the video watching the little critter–tiny dog? House bunny? Cat? By the end I was pretty sure it’s a tiny dog. Strap looks nice, BTW..
I have found the BoStrap very functional at about $40. It’s a slider-type too and works very well with the camera at the hip. Strap is made of car seat belt material and so is very flexible (and comfortable) and occupies a very small volume in my camera bag. It’s also made in the US of A. by a small business.
Hi Steve,
Thanks for the review.
How well does this strap work for heavier cameras, like the D700, etc.?
It looks like the camera strap I’ve been waiting for, because it does not have the single point of failure like some of the other sling straps, which attach to the tripod socket. However, I’m concerned that the strap is designed for lighter cameras and may cut into the neck… Appreciate your thoughts… Thanks!
This strap will hold a DSLR just fine.
This looks like a low-cost alternative
Not sure I’d want to hang a fullframe DSLR or a heavy Leica from it, but for m43 sized cameras it should be perfectly adequate.
Great strap, with a functionality I was looking for. Will order a black one from Tony. Thanks, Steve.
Speaking from personal experience, as soon as you have a fever and real flu like symptoms get your butt to a doctor for a RX for that Tamaflu stuff, it really works to shorten the worst of it to only 2 or 3 days. You have to start it in the first couple days of onset, though.
i personally use the black rapid version of this which is very solid and has been around for a few years
53.95 half the price only in black though
This another reason this site is so good Steve. It’s a great resource for people to become aware of these types of products and see how they can be used in a practical sense. I am not a buyer of this (don’t like neck straps…prefer Gordy’s wrist straps) but none the less a great service.
The Emperor has no clothes!
Great video … LOVE IT
No thank you.
Insane price for a piece of fabric. Aside from the pop red flashy color and name brand, I rather go somewhere else.
I’ve used many straps (1 of which failed me since it was home-made) in my career of photograpy and they’ve all been reliable for under $50.
Not $120! That’s just asking wayyyyyyyy too much.
When you pay $8000 or $3000 for a camera, a $119 strap that is functional and fashionable is not too expensive at all. But everyone has their strap preferences. Most really good straps are in the $80 range but none have the color pop or slide function of the A&A brand. A&A is expensive but people love them once they use them.
If you say so
I feel like in a lot of ways it’s like those guys who put all that fancy stuff on cars to make it look like it will go fast, but really it’s just an aesthetic. I get the appeal of A&A and have owned several of their products, but I don’t think they’re worth the price. I ended up selling all of it and picking up just as beautiful, just as functional straps and bags for half the price.
Leica is somewhat the same. You pay for more than what you get, but there isn’t really an alternative to what they make. Zeiss is a close second, but I don’t see a digital Ikon in the future and the glass, while phenomenal, is outclassed by the venerable Leica glass. (And the Leica’s are just so damn pretty right?)
ENOUGH useless rambling, love your site man, can’t wait for your M 240 review!
“Fashionable”? lol
Yes, very.
Steve, That is exactly the point. If someone buys a Leica, they are much more apt to spend $119 on a strap, than if someone bought an OM-D, X100, etc that costs 1/8 or 1/3 the price of a Leica.
Most importantly, it’s not overpriced if people are buying them!
I went mad a few weeks ago and purchased the Artisan and Artist Black Silk strap from Red Dot Cameras (Leica dealer) in London. It feels totally different to any other strap I have used in the past, as it is so light, strong and very flexible – a joy to use without fighting the strap when photographing with my Fuji X-Pro 1. Crazy money at £125, but what the hell, you only live once and you can’t take it with you when the “grim reaper” calls.
Glad you are over your flu, Steve, but as someone else pointed out do take it easy as there is a period of convalescence which should be taken into account after the illness.
I live in Japan and got one of these in Tokyo for 7000 yen which is about $75 at today’s rate. Love the strap but have the black one.
You never tried A&A to say something like this, from the first moment you touch one of these strap you will never be able to buy something of lesser quality, Plus you avoid to sponsor condition near or worst then slavery in a Chinese factory.
It’s time to reconsider the way we consume, we keep on buying cheap and replaceable items, they are unsatisfactory, uninspired and uninspiring and in most case end up in the garbage after a few months.
Now we’re talking! Finally, a long strap that is also very cool and looks comfortable. I was just at Dale Photo yesterday looking at the A&A straps, but this aparantly wasn’t out yet. Awesome, thanks Steve!
I believe Tony is the only one to have these. Great strap.
One of the reasons I haven’t tried or purchased an Artist & Artisan strap in the past was their total length. I may have to give this one a try in black for my Leica M-E.
Hey Duane, the M-E looks really great! How are you finding it?
I’m loving the M-E as I’m astounded every time I open a file and see the amount of dynamic range I never saw in my Ricoh GXR files. I guess I could have waited for the new M but what really finally attracted me to the M9 platform was its simplicity. The Ricoh came close since you could customize most of the functions but it was showing wear with the amount of use I was doing to it in my many travels.
The Leica M is like a tank in comparison.
Great to hear that Duane. I must say, the fact that the M9 platform uses the CCD is what is interesting to me as it is known to be sharper than the CMOS. Of course CMOS with Leica lenses might be a different story and no doubt the gnomes have worked some magic in matching the sensor to the lenses that will result in sharpness that is really good. Still, at base ISO and provided you don’t blow it up to the size of a building – the M9/M-E should hold its own against the new M.
just what i’ve been looking for. thx for sharing, Steve.