Alex Coghe just posted an interview he did with me yesterday and it came out quite nice! If you want to read it you can check it out here at his website, which happens to be full of other interviews. Alex has several other great interviews on his site (and one not so good one) so be sure and check them out! Thanks Alex!
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This was a great interview! Steve I have been following your site for a while now and love it. I loved the candor of this interview. This site keeps me stoked with the advice, reviews and inspiration submissions. A day without looking at the blog is like starting a day without the morning joe.
Oh and I loved your choices of favorite mirrorless cams! I purchased a Fuji X100 and it arrives tomorrow -can’t wait to get into that one learning curve and all. Your review of the Fuji intrigued me and then your re-review or second chance of the little Fuji sealed the deal for me.
Thanks for all you do!
You’re a great, genuine guy and that shows in all that you do. Cheers.
Great stuff!.
I totally agree on the paragraph regarding the “$100 point and shoot……” Yes, its the photographer, but he/she also needs the right tool(s) for the best outcome.
Very nice interview Steve. Love your positive attitude.
Nice Interview Steve!
Well , what can I say… the reason I got into Leica and bought the M9P was for one part your Website and your Leica Review and for the other part the “Leica M9” thread at the German DSLR-Forum.
And the its the Best Camera I ever had and I should have bought the M8 long time ago…….. I’m feeling home now.
Great Interview, Alex is good guy. I enjoyed your answers and candidness.
Thanks Peter!
“Cameras do not make photographers but cameras can make those who want to learn photography more motivated to learn. A camera that feels good and speaks to your heart can do wonders for you if you want to learn.”
That’s a great quote.
Thank you!
Congrats Steve, this is a great interview! I really enjoyed reading it and like your thoughts as to whether it’s the camera gear or the photographer that matters.
Steve – great interview. Your site is full of charm and positivity.
Just wondered which was the not so good one – “several other great interviews on his site (and one not so good one)”.
Hey Steve, I just read your interview. Well, I can say: everybody who visits this site should read it!
It just made me love your site even more! What I was already virtually sure of, is clearly proven now: you write from your hart, with the utmost integrity. Indeed, that’s why I (and I guess all with me) keep coming back.
Of course there has always been and will always be critique. But when this comes from a difference of taste, it’s only an enrichment. Still there will always be people who link difference of opinion with disliking that person. Indeed, the only thing one can do in that case is ignore them, knowing that they will only make their own life miserable.
I regularly have a different taste than you about things, Steve, and thus a different opinion. Still it’s always very interesting to get a different look at things. But everything you said in this interview, really, I couldn’t agree more.
Great work! Great site! Great guy!
Thanks for reading it Dirk, and thank you for the kind words. I appreciate them all.
Congrats Steve, I’ve been visiting your site daily from 2009 and it feels good that you are getting your long overdue recognition now.
Steve, good job with the interview, very clear on your purpose for this web site. However, I think you mean “golf” instead of “gold” clubs, tell Alex to change it.
Nicely done Steve!
I wasn’t aware that I needed to e-mail after I aquired my first Leica M haha. I’ll say it here, I got a Leica M3 because of you Steve!
I lost every penny because of Steve and always forgot the swear at him in an email.