The Sony NEX-5N First Look Thoughts and Video
The Sony NEX-5N First Look thoughts and video! This is NOT my review. The full review will be up soon! Here is quick first look at the Sony NEX-5N, the replacement for the very popular […]
The Sony NEX-5N First Look thoughts and video! This is NOT my review. The full review will be up soon! Here is quick first look at the Sony NEX-5N, the replacement for the very popular […]
Steve, thank you for creating and maintaining this site. You make photography approachable through your effort, words, forthrightness, and attitude and I’m grateful. My interest in photography has waxed and waned over the years for […]
Hurricane Irene hit Long Island, NY on August 27th and 28th, 2011. Though it wasn’t as bad as predicted, there were fairly wide-spread power-outages around Long Island and some communities got hit hard with flooding […]
The SLR Magic 11mm f/1.4 Toy Lens review for Micro 4/3 – Feeling Groovy! As tested on the Olympus E-P3 Yes! Another super cool, funky, and somewhat inexpensive (in todays lens world) toy lens to […]
The deadline for the early bird special savings price of $50 off of the upcoming Chicago September 24th workshop ends September 1st. If you want to attend this workshop you can lock in with a […]
Hello Steve, I’ve been spending countless hours reading over all the different types of articles you have on your site, from the reviews to the Daily Inspirations, and felt compelled to drop you a line […]
Well here we are at the tail end of 2011 and good old Photokina 2012 will be coming up before you know it. Lot’s of speculation about what maybe coming from Leica but no one […]
VOTE NOW! The top 10 in the Noktor/SLR Magic Lens give-away has been posted! Here we go! I received just over 300 entries in the Noktor/SLR Magic Lens give-away and the top 10 are posted […]
Hi Steve, After reading your most recent post I really felt motivated to send something through to you. I discovered your site at the same time that first I became interested in photography and your […]
Sony NEX-7 Video Sneak Peeks! Found a few videos showing more detail on the upcoming Sony NEX-7 – Looking good! Enjoy!
Motivation, Passion and Love. Time for another post where I sit and reflect on the last couple of years of my life and take a look at where I have been, where I am at, […]
New toolbar added with some cool new features! Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know I added a new toolbar at the bottom of the site. This toolbar has many features and functions that […]
Hi Steve, Here are a few shots from my summer in Europe with the X100. I was skeptical about taking just the X100 on my trip but it was a joy to use and so […]
Sony NEX-C3 vs Olympus E-P3 – JPEG Test Uggg. I’ve been sick for the last two days so I have been in my house, huddled up in my blanket and bored out of my mind. […]
Hey Steve, as I prepare for my next photography trip (Greece, Spain and Thailand) I’ve been thinking a lot about which cameras and lenses to bring and why. I like to travel light and originally […]