Video Animation Needed!
Looking for a video whiz to create a new intro for my review videos. Looking for something cool, with motion and color. Just the video intro. If you know video animation and have any ideas, email me at Of course, I will pay for this as well (please be affordable) but it has to be COOL!! Would be cool if you had samples of some work.
Workshop Help Needed!
Are you in San Francisco, Chicago or Southern California? Paris or London? Australia? Looking for guest speakers and co-ordination help in these cities for upcoming workshops. E-mail me with what you can offer and I will get back to you with details! Looking for people to help with speaking, helping with areas to shoot, hotels or places to stay, restaurants, etc. Again, e-mail me at if you are interested!
Thanks everyone! I found a video intro already, so thank you! Also, lots of help for the upcoming workshops as well! Thank you!
Like I said, I am all for Paris. Let me know in advance so that I can plan ahead of time
You have an email from Paris, France 😉
how much are your workshops again? i would love to attend the SF one if i could afford it. and do you have to shoot Leica lol?
the new audio intro for your intro movie is pretty cool! keep up the good work steve
I won’t be using that again, was more for fun and one time use 🙂