Just wanted to post this invite to each and every one of you! Our own Ashwin Rao is showing of his Leica work along with Al Tanabe at Glazers Gallery in Seattle from June 23rd to August 18th, 2011. Ashwin is one hell of a photographer and works magic with his Leica M9. I highly recommend that you stop by!
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Ashwin . I sincereley wish you a brilliant exhibition . Are you having an opening night ?
If yes, try and think outside the box and do something that is memorable, maybe try and get a local celebrity or some with a high profile along as this will give you so much more impact… And get it video’d so you can use it as promo in the future
I recently had a show in Windsor , England and was lucky to get along both John Swannell and Barry Lategan ( two great photographers ). I also had a local singer who did just one number in the middle of the evening along with a pianist playing low key music over the evening.
Here is the video
All the best
Your work is great !
Congrats on the show Ashwin.
I would definitely attend if I was in WA, but no I am in New Zealand! Congrats on the show, fully deserving!
Congratulations Ashwin, it is a great moment to be able to show your work – which I like a lot. Too bad the exhibition is a couple of thousand kilometers too far away. Please do consider Amsterdam for your next exhibition…… (nice place to take pictures too btw)
Wish you well for your exhibition!
And I am looking forward to read your blog/see your pictures then in August…as I am not able to fly over to the U.S. to take part.
Thanks, Michael!
Best wishes for the show Ashwin. You must be thrilled, nervous and excited.
Greeting, Roger. Excited and thrilled, with a touch of nervous, you are quite correct. Thanks for the warm well wishes!
I’ll be attending the workshop in Seattle. I will get a chance to see your photos then I’m sure.
Sounds great! You are correct, we’ll head over briefly to discuss the show at the work shop. Looking forward to showing you and the rest of the 14 attendees the city!
I get to SF often, so maybe the next time, we should meet up, as it’s a very photogenic city that I love to photograph…one of America’s jewels!
too bad i live in sf. i added you on flickr and love your shots. congrats on the gallery.
Wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute…we’re not supposed to argue about the X100?
Just kidding. Congrats good sir!
Haha, thanks, Mark…I’ll refrain from any x100 comments at the moment as well..hahah…Thanks for your kind words of support!
Congrats, Ashwin!! I am sure your exhibition will be a success!! I too would like to see the images on-line that you will be exhibiting….flying from Jakarta is a bit far for me….
Great to hear from you. Thank you for the well wishes! Jakarta is a bit of a journey…haha…hopefully I can make it out there someday soon to photograph alongside you.
You are more than welcome anytime, Ashwin….maybe you and Roger can join me out here some day!! You won’t leave disappointed, I promise!!
Wish I could make it.
Bummer, wish you could be there. We’ll raise a toast to you and any others whom are too far away to get here.
Congratulations Ashwin! I don’t post here that regularly. I live locally on the Eastside….I marked my calendar and hope to come to the reception. Looking forward to it!
Sorry for not being in touch. Now that the weather should be getting better (haha, today’s rain doesn’t prove the point, though), we should get together, as we had planned. Regardless, I look forward to seeing you at the show, but hopefully a bit of photography would be in order before then as well!
Ashwin, can’t wait! I will see you on the 9th!!
Hopefully sooner than that as well, Roger! I am thrilled that you’ll be there!
Congratulations on the show! I hope it’s as wonderful and memorable as you desire.
Best Regards,
Thanks, Joe! I hope so as well!
I will make sure I get down from Vancouver for the opening. Another excuse to visit Seattle and Glazer’s!
Outstanding, Jeff. Looking forward to seeing you at the opening. I think it’s going to be a total blast! Good people, good photos (well, Al’s at least, hahah), and good food, all centered around a good camera 😉
Congratulations and I hope it’s a great success. Your work is fantastic and inspiring for those of us just getting started in this hobby/passion.
Thanks, Paul. I am humbled by your words!
Congrats Ashwin! What an honor. Glad that you have been recognized for all your excellent work. Is this going to be shots from any particular location you’ve been to or M9 shots in general? Or is it a surprise?
Great to see you here, Ryan. Hope life’s well in Savannah. My photos will come from a series of travels in Egypt, Vietnam, India, and Venice. I am excited to share them in print, and look forward to sharing them virtually as well.
Congrats Ashwin! Glazer’s in Seattle is where I picked up my m9 just over a year ago! I’ll see if I can drive down from Vancouver in July and check out your work!
Ashwin I really hope that this show is a rip-roaring success. You’re photography is of the highest order and I can only presume that you’re an amazing physician as you don’t make your living as a photographer. Its a shame that I can’t be there as it woudl have been great to meet you but I know it will go really well. Also really looking forward to the article as I know that there are people on the site trying to look at ways of doing this, not me I hasten to add as my photography is not good enough yet, but other folks definitely are good enough so it will be very timely.
Great to hear from you. Thanks for being such a great supporter of my work. You are right, photography is not my living, but it is a huge part of my life, with my medical career being a second and even more important aspect of my joy and pride. It’s good to have balance in and out of career, and my photography definitely provides that balance. I am looking forward to putting out the article, once it has happened…and don’t short change your photos, by any means….
Congratulations, Ashwin and Al!
Too bad I am on the other side of the planet 🙁 hope to see your exhibit pics here!
All the best
Thanks, Andrew. I’ll be posting my pics here once the show is happening… virtual/reality, so to speak
Congratulations Ashwin and Al!!
Congratulations! I now wish I had scheduled my summer vacation differently.
Hi Mohan, with Steve’s blessing, I’ll certainly do that. I’ll plan to post an article about showing one’s work, with the images to accompany that article, in August. Great idea.
Hi Ashwin,
Congratulations. Seattle is too far away for me (I am in Qatar). I hope you will upload the images to a website at the end of the show, for the benefit of us web viewers.
Thanks, Jerome. Hope you see you all there. Reception’s on July 9th at 6 pm, and Leica’s going to cater it. It should be a classy and fun-filled event! By the way, Glazer’s is the camera store to beat in the Pac NW, as far as knowledgeable and friendly staff are concerned. Mark, Norah, Dante, and the gang are tops!
Congratulations on the show Ashwin. . .