Hi Steve,
I’m a French software engineer living and working in Paris, France. Photography has been my main hobby for the past 12 years.
Your website got me interested in street photography and rangefinders, I read everything I can on the subject and now own a little Canonet (one has to start somewhere) which I love ! I love the fact that in street photography, you never know what’s going to happen in front you. It also forces you to master your equipment ! The Canonet is so easy to master: Aperture, Shutter Speed, Focus, that’s it.
Until this recent shift in my photography style, I were a little bit bored with the kind of pictures I took. Some of them were pleasing to look at, but not all that interesting. I’m not saying that the pictures I take now are all beautiful and meaningful but at least I now know what makes an interesting photo.
And for me it involves the human presence (visible or not), good composition and a scene that is not too obvious; What I love about the pictures of the street photography masters is that reading them is not straightforward, they either have a deeply buried meaning or they’re fairly open to interpretation.
Taking a picture that matches the above criteria is very hard (at least for me) and I often get frustrated when missing unique scenes (actually hundreds of them) because of shyness preventing me from making those extra 2 steps !! But I’m getting it..slowly…and really enjoy practicing !!
Here’re some of my attempts:
Beaucoup de talent! bravo!!
Thanks everyone for the kind comments ! I really appreciate ! 🙂
These are great pics Camille, keep shooting. You have some early talent.
In general I like the pictures. It only bothers me the water “coming out” from the camera of the guy in the last photo. I think it looks funny and distracts from your interpretation, makes the photo look less “poetic”, but I like the look a lot..If only you have moved a few inches aside!
Great story camille! Your thoughts are identical to minne, especially the frustration caused with my shyness 🙂
Love the last photo and your interpretation of it! 🙂
This also reminds me that one if my favourite things about London is the Eurostar to Paris!
Interesting stories behind each shot. The last one’s great, Camille!