Happy Monday to all! After several requests for one, I decided to open a forum on this website. This is pretty much a Beta Test and I will see how it goes for the next few weeks. If it is successful it will stay, if it is a headache or doesn’t get much interest it will go.
If there is to be a forum here on this site I want it to be friendly. I want the users to be helpful, kind and considerate. I always hated the forums that were filled with negativity, rude remarks and nonsense. There are a rare 2-3 photo forums out there that are positive, helpful, and have a feeling of community. I have seen this site grow from nothing to having its own little community growing in the comment section so I decided to take it a bit further and see how a full fledged forum would do. It may do well, it may not.
So like I said, this will be a sort of “Beta Test” to see how it goes. To use the forum you must register and you will see the link to do so on the main forum page.
There are forums for Leica related talk, Sony, Micro 4/3, Film, Processing, discussing the reviews on this site and more.
With all of that said, Go check it out! You can also access the main forum page by using the link in the tab bar above. Enjoy, be nice, and have fun! Since this is all new, there may be some hiccups. If so, let me know.
I agree with Ashwin, great banner looks very positive bursting with energy.
and I’m sure the new venture will go well.
Thanks Colin, I hope so 🙂 Looking to build a nice community with like minded people who have a passion for photography as well as a passion for their gear 🙂
Hey Steve,
I agree with Ashwin, the new banner looks good. Reflects your B/W interests.
Thanks Adam!
I think this is a good idea Steve. So we can get together and participate in the forums with each other. Lets hope its goes all smooth. Nice banner btw!
Good luck with this venture, Steve. By the way, I love your new site banner!
Thanks Ashwin!
i like how sony gets its own section but nikon and canon dont 😛 strike one, steve, strike one.
No worries! See, I have not done much with Nikon and Canon on this site, so not many NIkon/Canon shooters come here. I know for a fact I will be reviewing future NEX cameras and testing Leica glass on NEX cameras soon. If the forum is a success, the sections may be tweaked. Thanks
Super idea – I was actually wondering whether you’d been rolling the idea around in your head.
As said, most forums out there are (very) sadly ruined for the majority by a minority of people with highly aggressive, unhelpful attitudes. Frankly, most photography forums are cr*p because of that. But well done for being brave about it Steve and I really do hope you can buck the trend because *most* people that post here are nice guy’s who care and try to help others, sure there are always a few who are rude, abrupt & insulting as with everything but maybe they can be drowned in “niceness” and sink to the bottom of the www never to be seen or heard again! Hahaha 😀 Again, well done for giving it a try!
Well, if it becomes trouble as in headaches due to me having to delete nonsense or rude remarks then it will come down. I look at it as an experiment. If it can remain helpful, informative, civil and enjoyable then awesome. If it gets out of hand it will be history. I think it can be a good thing but we shall see 🙂
I hear you, Steve, loud and clear. I am sure there will always be trouble-makers but hopefully it will be a civilized place.
Oh boy, here comes trouble 🙂