Iphone App – Plastic Bullet
PLASTIC BULLET for Iphone! The modern day Holga? So you want to shoot some killer creative images but do not even have a camera? All you have is your Iphone? Well, no problem! For $1.99 […]
PLASTIC BULLET for Iphone! The modern day Holga? So you want to shoot some killer creative images but do not even have a camera? All you have is your Iphone? Well, no problem! For $1.99 […]
Panasonic G2 review coming soon… Hello to all! Its Wednesday night and even though its kind of old news, earlier today I received a Panasonic G2 to review! I have been snapping away around the […]
The Leica D-Lux 5 Camera Review By Steve Huff One of my Top Picks! * Buy Here* Hello to all! It’s Tuesday and as promised I am here with the Leica D-Lux 5 Camera review. […]
Hello Steve, It was a cold winter day and I was driving around rural areas with my 8 year old daughter looking for interesting things to photograph. It was sleeting when we crossed a bridge […]
Hi Steve, First, thank you… Your site has become a reference for me when it comes to talk about photography… So many great insights, from many interresting people, and such a huge reservoir of usefull […]
The Leica D-Lux 5 Arrives – Review TUESDAY September 28th! Hey guys! Just got my paws on a Leica D-Lux 5! Leica sent me one to review and it arrived yesterday. I will be doing […]
Hello Everyone! My name is Piero Ferrari, I send these images from Italy. Are shots of my colleagues. performed with Leica M8 + Trielmar 28/50/35 ISO 1250 and ISO 200 with Canon G9. Forgive my […]
Ok, lets get back to business… Why the M8 might be the right rangefinder (for you)! By Robert Chisholm I am excited to be writing an article for Steve’s site! I have enjoyed watching the site […]
Ok, so the Titanium M9 has landed and it has stirred up quite a bit of controversy with most of the responses on this site saying it was a bad move by Leica to introduce […]
Just a quick poll – make your choice and see the results! [polldaddy poll=3795770]
What all of you have been waiting for…the big Leica announcements! Let’s see if my crystal ball was correct! The Limited Edition Titanium M9 Talk about a DREAM Digital M! The big one has arrived! […]
I have been watching evey few hours to see what is being announced PRE Photokina and most if it gives me a bIg fat yawn. Here is a page listing what I have seen SO […]
Fuji says $1000 USD for the X100 and a March 2011 Release! CHECK OUT THE NEW VIDEO BELOW!! Wow, check this out! Fuji Just announced a camera that I CAN NOT WAIT TO TRY OUT! […]
Here is a cool Daily Inspiration as these were shot with a cel phone! Pete Willing sent these over and I really enjoyed them. You can check out his cool blog, the 37th frame HERE. […]
Just an update to my Crystal Ball update! There will be no new Leica EVIL camera at Photokina. No “R” solution. Basically, the new stuff will consist of: As already reported elsewhere, a New Special […]