Just In Case You Missed Them!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend! I have been super busy running here and there shooting with the Pentax Kx, A Bronica 645 and a little Diana 120 film camera. As usual, having loads of fun..well, as much fun as one can have when the temperature outside is 110 degrees. :0
Every week I get e-mails asking me questions about certain things or cameras and realized that many who come here do not realize I have listing of some of the best and most popular articles that have been published to this site. You can click here to see them all or at any time click on the REVIEW tab up top and then click “Must Read Articles”.
The Top Navigation Bar at the top of EVERY page will get you to where you want to go π The “Reviews & More” will drop down with more choices when you click it. This is where all of the good stuff is.
In any case, here is are just a few of the most viewed articles and reviews, enjoy!
How To Develop, Scan and Print with No Darkroom Required by Max Marrinucci
Stuck In A Rut? 8 ways to get motivated by Steve Huff
The Leica M9 – 21 Questions Answered by Steve Huff
Seven Quick Tips for Taking Better Photos by Steve Huff
Street shooting wide open by Max Marinucci
Weddings with a Leica M9? Yep! by Steve Huff
Leica M9 – Travel Camera Extraordinaire by Ashwin Rao
Basic Q&A on switching from a DSLR to an Rangefinder camera
My Leica Lens Suggestions for your M8 or M9
To PP or not to PP? That is the question!
The Leica Digilux 2: A Trip Down Memory Lane by Steve Huff
Improving the handling of a Leica M by Ashwin Rao
Loading a film Leica M7 or MP by Steve Huff
Guest User Report! Girls Just Wanna Have Fun…With an M8!
Some of my most viewed reviews…
Leica Noctilux F1 and Voigtlander 50 Nokton 1.1 Comparison
The Leica X1 Real World Use Review
The Leica MP Review – Film is NOT dead!
Zeiss 50 Sonnar 1.5 For Leica M Lens Review
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Looking forward to all of these reviews, particularly the KX!
Did B&H actually send the Diana to review? If so, that’s pretty funny. Now we just need to see a comparison between the Diana and the Holga…that’d be epic.
Thanks! No, I bought the Diana. Always wanted one and at $50, it’s something cool to have around π Holga vs Diana…Hmmmmmm, maybe I will do that!
the comments section is all grown up now
Whoa… that must be HOT! Past boiling point. π I prefer to measure my bank balance in cents though – sounds more impressive and comforting that way.
What’s 110 in 2010 English ? π
That would be 110.
Just testing the new “preview comment” feature I added today π You can now preview your comment before placing it, Hurray!