Daily Inspiration #108 by Pete Willing

Happy Saturday! Today I have some killer concert shots from Pete Willing who used an Olympus E-P1 at ISO 3200 with AWESOME results. You can see more of Pete’s work at his website, the 37th frame, by clicking HERE. He has more from this show HERE.

From Pete:

“Not sure if its inspirations but its definantly a change of pace. My oldest son is in a local band

and doing quite well here in Phoenix. called Ti22….great kids. I went to a gig with the ep1 and

turned the iso up to 3200….what do you think. Yes I was in their face for these shots…

Pete Willing”


  1. Pete, I emailed the file to Steve to forward it to you. Keep in mind though, it’s just a lo-res jpg file. Used Viveza2 and Photokit Sharpener. I lightened up the face and added a hint of saturation to it to match the colors around the face. Also lightened up and sharpened the guitar to give the photo more depth (clearer front and background โ€“ the guitar leading into the shot).
    Btw, in the process I also made the general colors look a little less muddied. I think it looks now more like being on stage. Anyhow, let me know what you think once you get the pic from Steve.

  2. @ HB: that would be cool as Im a complete noob in PS, as you can tell…
    @ Steve: bring your ear plugs… I’ll let you know there next gig that I go to….cool!

  3. Pete, I took the liberty and had a closer look at one of your files.
    Turns out the blacked out faces are not black out at all. All the information is in your file. It just needed some more TLC work in post.
    Don’t know how to post the slightly re-worked file here since it doesn’t have an url.
    Anybody? … Steve?

  4. thanks again all… @ Harald – you are asking for too much..when these guys get going, hair is flying so hard and fast ๐Ÿ™‚

    I know what you mean though….there will be more gigs to shoot…
    cheers all

  5. Greetings from Oregon, Pete, as you know, these are fantastic…I have gone back to these images many times. The composition and lighting are stunning!

  6. thanks people for your comments it’s always interesting for an old man to film my kids band…I get many strange looks… and Filip believe it or not I used the kit lens 17mm that came with it…
    and thanks Steve for showing my humble shots…

  7. the 1st shot is great!

    I must admit I am amazed that E-P1 was able to pull off such a high quality pics!! can I ask you what lens is it shot with?

  8. these are all great especially the first one and the grain seems to add to the images.

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