WOW, well this sold within 4 minutes! Amazing.
Now sold…This will go FAST!! B&H Has a used Leica 35 Summilux ASPH for $2,699. This is a STEAL and its in 9+ condition with case. Click HERE to check it out.
WOW, well this sold within 4 minutes! Amazing.
Now sold…This will go FAST!! B&H Has a used Leica 35 Summilux ASPH for $2,699. This is a STEAL and its in 9+ condition with case. Click HERE to check it out.
Cool Stuff for Sale by Me! Bags, Camera, Lenses OH MY! As you may or may not know I have a 100% FREE buy and sell forum here on this website and new ads are […]
OPINION: Let’s go back to simplicity with cameras. What I would love to see. Yep, I said it. I see it every day, and I see it quite often. Comments, forums, discussions, many saying this […]
Steve, I’ve been through my own GAS cycle going from Canon 5D to Leica with side trips to the NEX and Fuji. The current equipment is Leica and Olympus. Recently, I bought an M6 and […]