WOW, well this sold within 4 minutes! Amazing.
Now sold…This will go FAST!! B&H Has a used Leica 35 Summilux ASPH for $2,699. This is a STEAL and its in 9+ condition with case. Click HERE to check it out.
WOW, well this sold within 4 minutes! Amazing.
Now sold…This will go FAST!! B&H Has a used Leica 35 Summilux ASPH for $2,699. This is a STEAL and its in 9+ condition with case. Click HERE to check it out.
It’s a muggy Thursday night here in Phoenix, AZ (at the time of this writing) and instead of sweating outside I am inside where I just sat down with a fresh tall glass of water […]
Travelling light through Brazil with the pre-ASPH 50mm Summilux 2nd version by Pedro Amorim Since my last text on the kinoptik, I had a few ideas on other lenses to write about, and Steve was […]
Leica launches new soft releases! With all of those soft releases being made and sold over the years it appears that Leica has said “Hey, why don’t we do this”? So now. they have. You […]