Today I am posting TWO images from Lorenzo Moscia as I could not decide which to post. They are both amazing photographs. You can visit Lorenzos web site HERE where you will see amazing reportage work. Highly recommended. I wish I was this good! Thanks Lorenzo for the images.
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I agree. Lorenzos work is absolutely beautiful.
Absolutely stunning work. There’s no more to say.
Prego, Lorenzo. Buona fortuna e continua a darci immagini grandiose!
..and look at that work with the Contax G2 and Fuji Film. Ridiculous. You can’t hide behind post processing gimmicks there. Raw emotions, raw photography at its best. Incredible themes, subjects, light, colors. It really makes you think about pure talent.
Max, grazie mille per le tue parole and thank to everyone for visit my site and to Steve for the space here.
Congratulazioni!! Immagini semplicemente spettacolari ed emozionanti. Tanto di cappello da’ un fotografo romano trapiantato negli US.
No Photoshop Art here..just simply amazing, emotional, COURAGEOUS photography.
Lorenzo, I love, love, love your work. Every image seems to have amazing story behind it. Brovo!
Hi, everyone and thank you very much Steve for presenting my works here. I m italian but I m living since 10 years in Latin America so please forgive me for the several gramar mistakes.
I have been using a second hand Nikon Fe (1978) from 1997 to 2002 with a 35-70mm 2.8. Than I start with nikon d100 with a 24mm.
But what change my life was the Contax g2 black body My God! 28-45-90 kits lens. I bouth it form a photogpraher here in Chile an that really got to my works a light. On my web page you can see the series Haiti, Cuba, Rio-prostitution-Santiago police an others have been all shots with the Contax g2. A Fuji 400 press to 1600. I realize how does the size metter when what you are looking for are intimate photogrpahs. Sometime in dengerous places.
I could not go and stay with a family inside a favela in Rio ore in cité soleil in haiti with an aquipmente that make me look like Robocob.
The Contax g2 make me fill so invisible and let allow me to take pictures just when I m right in the midle of a situation. Tha first time I spot that camera was thank to Luc Delahaye and his sereies form 1999 Winterreise. But unfortunately Contax closed and we will never see a digital G3 in wich we can use that wanderfull Zeiss lenses.
So now Im doing my assigments with a Nikon d300 and a 16-85. Dreaming the day I will be able to afford a M9 with a 35 or a 28.
Sometimes I feel too scary of taking out my camera. I know the m9 kit is about 10 th.dol. but I feel on my skin that none really can imagin that expecially in the places I go.
For exemple in my series “dead train” in Boliva I was with the nikon d200 an the Contax and none was paing attention on me when I was shooting with the g2. But as I took the d200 I was in the spot light.
That`s it.
Wow! Just wow! Spectacular!
Great pictures and a great website! I’m interested in the equipment Lorenzo is using. No informations on his camera on his website.
Just popped by his site. What a talented photographer!