1. I like fast lenses too. I’ve been trying to buy a Leica 50mm f/1.4 ASPH Summilux for weeks. There are none to be had. I called Leica in New Jersey to ask when we’ll see some 50 Luxes again. They said that production of new lenses has been slowed down to meet the demand for new products, including S2 lenses. Awaiting your review of the 7D. If I like your review, I might sink my cash into a Canon 7D and a couple of new Canon EF-S lenses, including the EF-S 17-55mm and maybe an EF-S 60 mm . I already own the EF-S 10-22mm and other Canon lenses including 4 L series lenses. I can get the 7D and these two lenses for less than the cost of a new 50mm Summilux. The 7D is a better tool for shooting weddings. Have not shot a wedding with a Leica camera and not sure that I’d want to. I have an M6 TTL and an M8.2. Too slow. I’d like to shoot a wedding with my M8.2 but only as a secondary tool to a fast DSLR.

  2. What I think Verner ment is that you might have a made a mistake in the daily inspiration number. Due the fact that Yanick’s “First snow, first smile in Paris” was daily inspiration #3. He might of thought that you have discarded that picture.

  3. Hey Rick, not at all! 80% of the submissions were taken with a fast lens, wide open! I plan on including almost ALL submissions but can only go one day at at a time! Also, if this were shot with any 50 at F8 I think it would have lost some of its appeal.

    Thanks for the comments.

    Verners, I am a little confused by your post. What do yoy mean #3 is banned?

  4. I wonder if Steve would have selected this photo if it was shot with a Canon 50mm f/1.4 lens at f/8? Hmmm…. I’m beginning to notice an affinity for shooting fast lenses, wide open! Nice technique, but is that all there is?

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